James Lee
James joined NOAA Fisheries as an editor in 1990 to conduct reviews on papers written by staff, manage publications, and to oversee the publishing of several in-house agency report series. To date, he has reviewed and edited over 5,000 papers and helped to publish over 1,200 reports. In addition to managing the AFSC’s editorial process and publication policy responsibilities, he currently is guiding the Communications Program’s development of the Research Publications and Tracking System (RPTS).
Before coming to NOAA Fisheries, James worked as a biologist for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Columbia River Management team monitoring the sport and commercial sturgeon and salmon fisheries below Bonneville Dam. For most of the 1980s, James worked out of Kodiak, Alaska, for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s (ADF&G) Fisheries Rehabilitation, Enhancement, and Development Division’s Karluk Lake Project to help rebuild the native sockeye salmon population. James also worked with the ADF&G’s Commercial Fisheries Division on its Aleutian Islands crab and groundfish survey and was involved with a joint ADF&G-Japanese government-Kodiak Area Native Association pilot project to explore the feasibility of establishing weathervane scallop mariculture in Alaska waters. James graduated from Oregon State University with a B.S. in Fisheries and a B.S. in Technical Writing with a minor emphasis in science journalism. Some of his writing has been featured in The Oregonian.