Johanna Page (Vollenweider)
Johanna has worked with Recruitment Energetics and Coastal Assessment since 1999 and was instrumental in the program's transition from a focus on oil spill toxicity in the wake of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill to the Nutritional Ecology Lab. With roots in the analytical chemistry lab, her overall focus is how the body condition of fish relates to their survival and recruitment, and their quality as prey for piscivorous fish, marine mammals and sea birds. Forage fish are her focal species, including Pacific herring, capelin, eulachon, sand lance and juvenile gadids (Arctic cod, saffron cod, Pacific cod, and walleye pollock). Johanna is a Principal Investigator (PI) and co-PI on ecosystem studies evaluating the impact of environmental conditions on fish condition. To place field observations in perspective, she conducts wet-lab studies evaluating fish growth, condition, and mortality under controlled temperature and food quality regimens. She has some of the longest experience in the Arctic among AFSC staff, and has worked in all Alaska's Large Marine Ecosystems, including the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska. Johanna has generated prey quality measures for many Alaskan fish and invertebrates and works with marine mammal experts to model prey quality and consumption. Johanna's fortes are leading nearshore surveys working from small vessels and shore-based operations, as well as chief scientist and PI on offshore, large-vessel surveys. She is a certified small vessel captain. She is trained in marine mammal response, including large whale disentanglement and necropsies. Her location in the Juneau office and her skillset make her uniquely suited to conduct local winter surveys working around inclement weather, and to rapidly respond to public inquiries.