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A headshot of Kelsi Furman. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Kelsi Furman

Social Scientist
Auke Bay Laboratories
Ted Stevens Marine Research Institute
Climate and Communities
Email: kelsi.furman@noaa.gov

Kelsi Furman

Social Scientist

Kelsi Furman is a Climate and Communities Social Scientist with the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission based at the Ted Stevens Marine Research Institute in Juneau, AK.

Kelsi is working with Dr. Marysia Szymkowiak on the Ocean Acidification Regional Vulnerability Assessment Project. For this project, Kelsi is examining impacts of ocean acidification in the Gulf of Alaska and the corresponding adaptive capacity of fishing communities. She is employing network modeling techniques, including qualitative network modeling and fuzzy cognitive mapping, to better understand adaptation strategies and barriers within local and regional social-ecological system dynamics. Kelsi is also analyzing tribal and local government planning documents for climate adaptation frameworks.

Kelsi’s previous research has focused on the impacts of shoreline alteration to shore-based fishing access and social equity in Florida’s recreational fisheries. She received a BS in Environmental Science from Northeastern University and is currently finishing her PhD in Marine and Environmental Sciences also at Northeastern University