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Robert Bland

Robert (Rob) Bland

Northeast Fisheries Observer (Affiliate)
Fishery Monitoring and Research Division
Fisheries Monitoring and Operations
Office: (774) 313-1838
Email: robert.bland@noaa.gov

Robert (Rob) Bland

Northeast Fisheries Observer (Affiliate)

Rob has been an observer with the Northeast Fisheries Observer program for 19 years! Initially training in June 2004 as a NEFOP and IFS observer, Rob has been active in all at-sea programs, going on to train as an ASM in May of 2010 as well as IFM in January of 2022. Homeported in New Bedford, MA, Rob has completed over 1,000 sea days since 2013! As a NEFOP observer, Rob has obtained additional advanced certifications like Pot & Trap, Clam Dredge, and High Volume Fisheries (HVF) in addition to Trawl and Gillnet.