Shannon L. Meseck, PhD.
- Ph.D. Chemical Oceanography - Old Dominion University, 2002
- B.S. Environmental Science and Chemistry - State University of New York at Plattsburgh, 1997
Professional History
- April 2024 - Present: Branch Chief, Aquaculture Systems & Ecology, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
- Nov. 2002 - April 2024: Researcher (DOC/NOAA/NMFS/Northeast Fisheries Science Center)
- May 1998 - Oct. 2002: Graduate Research Assistant, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia
- Sept. 1996 - Dec. 1996 : Undergraduate Project, SUNY Plattsburgh, New York
- Full CV: Download File
Processes affecting the uptake and utilization of nitrogen and phosphate by algal cells; trophic transfers of stable isotopes (C and N) in bivalves as an indicator of habitat; biogeochemical effects of aquaculture; ocean acidification effects on marine organisms; and shellfish feeding behavior under different environmental parameters.