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Alaska Aquaculture Grant Opportunities

See the sortable table below for national aquaculture funding opportunities.

Funding Opportunities

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    Current and Recurring Grant Competitions

    Click on Category, Competition Name, or Funding Source heading to sort by one of those columns.

    Category Competition Name Funding Source Details Frequency Amount Eligibility
    Industry, Research FY25 National Aquaculture Initiative Alaska Sea Grant Subject to the availability of funding, Sea Grant anticipates that approximately $5,000,000 will be available in FY2024 and FY2025 federal funds for research projects and programs that will focus on strengthening U.S. coastal, marine, and Great Lakes aquaculture via support for the development of new aquaculture businesses, as well as enhancing existing aquaculture business output, efficiency, and profitability.

    LOIs due December 4, 2024;

    full proposals due February 12, 2025

    Total Amount: approx. $5,000,000

    Individual Project Funding: Up to $1,000,000

    Individuals; any public or private corporation, partnership, or other association or entity (including any Sea Grant College, Sea Grant Institute or other institution); or any State, political subdivision of a State, Tribal government or agency or officer thereof. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consider projects that involve Sea Grant extension personnel and members of the US aquaculture community.
    Industry, Research Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program NOAA Fisheries Grants for supporting fisheries research and development projects that target harvesting, processing, marketing, and associated business structure. Projects should address fisheries needs by supporting fishing communities in maximizing economic benefits and sustainability, dealing with conservation and management impacts, and increasing other opportunities. Summer pre-proposal deadline

    Late autumn proposal deadline


    Total Amount: varies

    Individual Project Funding: Up to approx. $500,000

    Individuals, industry, academia, and state and local governments.
    Research Alaska Sea Grant biennial research funding Alaska Sea Grant Funding for innovative research projects advancing knowledge in focus areas in the state including: healthy coastal ecosystems; sustainable fisheries and aquaculture; resilient communities and economies; and ocean literacy and workforce development.

    Late winter preliminary proposal deadline


    Total Amount: varies

    Individual Project Funding: approx. $100,000

    Researchers in the natural, social, and education sciences, particularly collaborative projects, synthesis projects, interdisciplinary partnerships, and early career investigators. Partnerships among academic and research institutions, agencies, local government, industry, and user groups are encouraged.
    Industry Economic Adjustment Assistance Program U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) The Economic Adjustment Assistance program will fund a broad range of projects such as technical, planning, workforce development, entrepreneurship, public works, and infrastructure Rolling applications

    Total Amount: varies

    Individual Project Funding: varies

    District Organization of an EDA-designated Economic Development District, Tribal governments, county, city, or other political subdivision of a state, institutions of higher education, public or private non-profit organization or association acting in cooperation with state entities
    Industry Good Jobs Challenge U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) EDA’s American Rescue Plan Good Jobs Challenge aims to get Americans back to work by building and strengthening systems and partnerships that bring together employers who have hiring needs with other key entities to train workers with in-demand skills that lead to good-paying jobs. Beginning of year application deadline

    Total Amount: varies

    Individual Project Funding: varies

    District Organization of an EDA-designated Economic Development District, Tribal governments, county, city, or other political subdivision of a state, institutions of higher education, public or private non-profit organization or association acting in cooperation with state entities
    Industry, Research National Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program NOAA Fisheries BREP’s mission is to support the development of technological solutions and changes in fishing practices designed to minimize bycatch of fish and protected species (including Endangered Species Act-listed fish, marine mammals, seabirds, and sea turtles) and to reduce impacts to invertebrates (including sponges, deep-sea corals, and shallow (tropical) corals). Projects should produce outcomes that can directly influence management needs of federally managed living marine resources. Beginning of year pre-proposal deadline

    Spring proposal deadline


    Total Amount: approx. $2.5 million

    Individual Project Funding:


    Individuals, institutions of higher education, other nonprofits, for-profit organizations, foreign public entities or foreign organizations, and state, local and tribal governments. Federal agencies or instrumentalities are not eligible.
    Restoration National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grants USFWS Awards states and territories up to $1 million to support projects protecting, restoring, and enhancing wetland ecosystems and associated uplands.  State and local governments, as well as other partners contribute additional funds.

    June application deadline


    Total Amount: varies

    Individual Project Funding: Up to $1 million

    State agencies or entities designated as eligible by the governor of a coastal State. The eligible agency is usually a state natural resource or fish and wildlife agency.
    Research, Restoration Sea Grant various aquaculture projects National Sea Grant National Sea Grant Aquaculture Initiative Special Grants available for a variety of projects

    Fall Notices of Intent deadline


    Total Amount: Varies

    Individual Project Funding: Up to approx. $200,000 for up to 3 projects

    Industry Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I and II NOAA Technology Partnership Office This program targets small businesses to assist in otherwise inhibitive R&D to promote innovation, protect small businesses, and increase competitiveness against larger businesses. Three phase program: 1. Feasibility (6 months), 2. R&D (24 months), and 3. Commercialization (currently undeveloped)

    Early winter application deadline


    Total Amount: varies

    Individual Project Funding:

    Phase 1: Up to approx. $150,000

    Phase 2: Up to approx. $500,000

    Phase 3: Currently unfunded

    Small businesses
    Industry Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I and II USDA SBIR Program The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers competitively awarded grants to qualified small businesses to support high-quality research related to important scientific problems and opportunities in agriculture (and aquaculture) that could lead to significant public benefits. The program stimulates technological innovations in the private sector and strengthens the role of federal research and development in support of small businesses. Phase 1: Fall application deadline

    Phase 2: Winter application deadline


    Phase 1: Total Amount: $12 million

    Individual Project Funding: Up to $181,500

    Phase 2: Total Amount: $4.1 million

    Individual Project Funding: Up to $650,000

    Small businesses
    Research Special Research Grants Program Aquaculture Research USDA Research projects involving genetics, disease, production systems, and economics

    Spring application deadline


    Total Amount: varies

    Individual Project Funding: Approx.$200,000 - $300,000

    State agricultural experiment stations, all colleges and universities, other research institutions and organizations, Federal agencies, private organizations or corporations, and individuals for the purpose of conducting research, extension, or education activities to facilitate or expand breakthroughs in food and agricultural sciences.
    Research Western Region of Sustainable Agriculture and Education Program (SARE) Grants USDA SARE provides various grants for R&D projects involving education, graduates, and professional development



    Total Amount: varies

    Individual Project Funding: varies

    Research Western Regional Aquaculture Center Regional Research and Outreach Projects USDA Aquaculture projects supporting nine stated areas: 1) New and Emerging Species 2) Prevention and Treatment of Diseases Affecting Aquaculture Production 3) Aquaculture Opportunities Through Genetics 4) Characterization/description of Aquaculture in Western United States 5) Aquaculture: Applied Technology Solutions 6) Diet Nutrition/Innovation 7) Aquaculture Water Quality 8) Regulatory Obstacles to Aquaculture Development 9) Increasing Product Quality Trough Farm Practices, Food Science, and Quality Control Early spring pre-proposal deadline

    Summer proposal deadline


    Total Amount: varies

    Individual Project Funding: up to $120,000/year

    Priority given to projects that include participation by two or more states located within the western region. Partnerships may be formed among all elements of federal, state, and local government; public institutions; and the private sector.