Draft National Seafood Strategy Listening Sessions
NOAA Fisheries will be hosting opportunities for the public to provide input on the Draft National Seafood Strategy. Public comment is open through March 16, 2023.
NOAA Fisheries released the draft National Seafood Strategy and inviting public comment through March 16, 2023. The strategy was developed based on feedback from partners, industry, Tribes, and stakeholders on the many challenges the seafood sector faces and the role NOAA Fisheries might play in responding to them.
The National Seafood Strategy outlines our direction for supporting a thriving domestic U.S. seafood economy and enhancing the resilience of the seafood sector in the face of climate change and other stressors. Our vision is to ensure that:
- U.S. seafood continues to be produced sustainably
- U.S. seafood production increases to support jobs, the economy, and the competitiveness of the U.S. seafood sector
- The U.S. seafood sector contributes to the nation’s climate-ready food production and to meeting critical domestic nutritional needs
- Supply chains and infrastructure are modernized with more value-added activity in the United States
- Opportunities are expanded for a diverse and growing seafood workforce
Public comments are an integral part to finalizing the strategy and helping guide the direction of our work to support the seafood sector. Comments may be submitted from February 14 until March 16, 2023. Visit the NOAA Fisheries website for additional information and the link to submit comments.
Meeting Schedule
Thursday, March 2: Public Listening Session
Time: 2pm (EST)/11am (PST)/5am (ChST)
Dial in: 888-552-9483, Passcode: 765-8451
Thursday, March 9: Public Listening Session
Time: March 9, 2023, 5pm (EST)/2pm (PST)/8am (ChST)
Dial in: 888-552-9483, Passcode: 765-8451
Please note: These calls will be recorded and are audio only.