We are seeking input from our regional assessment partners, including the fishing industry (commercial and recreational), state agency scientists, academic researchers, and interested members of the public to help guide development of our next Management Track Assessments. Specifically, we are looking for on-the-water observations or data sets on topics such as distribution, stock health, fishing dynamics and management, and the role these stocks play in the ecosystem.
Participants are welcome to attend our virtual meeting on February 26, 2025. The details are in the schedule below. You can also submit comments using the community input form. This form will be open February 3, 2025 through April 30, 2025 for the June 2026 Management Track stocks listed here:
June 2026 Management Track Stocks
- Atlantic herring
- Butterfish
- Georges Bank Atlantic cod
- Georges Bank haddock
- Longfin inshore squid
- Ocean quahog
September 2026 Management Track Stocks
- Eastern Gulf of Maine Atlantic cod
- Western Gulf of Maine Atlantic cod
- Southern New England Atlantic cod
- American plaice
- Atlantic halibut
- Gulf of Maine haddock
- Pollock
- Red hake
- Silver & offshore hake
- Witch flounder