SRFC Workgroup May 2024 meeting
Sacramento River fall Chinook workgroup meeting, open to the public, May 1-2, 2024
The purpose of the Workgroup is to develop potential improvements to SRFC assessment and management for Pacific Council consideration that would evaluate current management measures, provide a workplan to accomplish the work, and eventually provide new or updated products for Pacific Council consideration. This meeting will likely focus on collecting and summarizing relevant information on SRFC stock status, reviewing the current models and methods used for harvest management, and identifying data gaps. A draft outline of the workplan could be developed for discussion at the next meeting.
Note that, while this is not a public hearing, a public comment period will be scheduled for each day, at the discretion of the meeting Chair.
Meeting materials
- Meeting Agenda and Schedule (pdf)
- Article: Approach to Defining a Sacramento River Fall Chinook Escapement Objective (Satterthwaite) (pdf)
- Literature Review for Satterthwaite article (pdf)
- Sacramento River Fall Chinook spawner-recruit estimates (unpublished) (pdf)
For more information, visit the SRFC Workgroup page.