Webinar: Drivers and Behaviors of International Fishing Fleets in the Pacific: Implications for the Value of U.S. Fisheries
This is a virtual NOAA Inouye Regional Center Seminar Series webinar presented by James Watson, Assistant Professor in the College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University on April 5, 2022.
Join us for the NOAA Inouye Regional Center Seminar Series presentation, “Drivers and Behaviors of International Fishing Fleets in the Pacific: Implications for the Value of U.S. Fisheries.” International fishing fleets operating in the high seas provide livelihoods and food security for people globally. James Watson will discuss how spatial dynamics, such as where vessels from different countries fish, can inform international relations and fisheries management. His work highlights how the high seas are social-ecological systems with implications for the value of U.S. fisheries, and offers new perspectives on their resilience.
This seminar is part of NOAA's Science Seminar Series, which includes seminars from across NOAA.
Presenter(s): James Watson, Assistant Professor in the College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University.
Remote Access: https://noaanmfs-meets.webex.com/noaanmfs-meets/j.php?MTID=mb16d3b87ed8f5f5e2891590cd90390aa
- Meeting Number: 2761 753 1939
- Password: NOAA
- Call-in: 1-415-527-5035, and access code: 2761 753 1939
Accessibility: Sign language interpreting services and closed captioning are available, but need to be requested at least 5 days before the event.