Webinar: A Trait-Based Approach to Understanding Distribution Patterns of Reef Fish Across the Pacific
This is a virtual NOAA Inouye Regional Center Seminar Series webinar presented by Dr. Laura Richardson on March 29, 2022.
Join us for the NOAA Inouye Regional Center Seminar Series presentation, “A Trait-Based Approach to Understanding Distribution Patterns of Reef Fish Across the Pacific.” In collaboration with the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, Dr. Laura Richardson uses trait-based approaches to analyze data from NOAA's Pacific Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program. Program scientists study locations of different reef fish species over time, which can help them understand how people may affect the organization of marine life on Pacific reefs. Trait-based ecological approaches view the makeup of ecosystems not as the result of interactions between species or populations, but rather the interactions between individuals and with their environments.
This seminar is part of NOAA's Science Seminar Series, which includes seminars from across NOAA.
Presenter(s): Dr. Laura Richardson, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow at Bangor University (UK)
Remote Access: https://noaanmfs-meets.webex.com/noaanmfs-meets/j.php?MTID=md8e759f4735a93066e93a7033d51719a
- Meeting Number: 2761 781 2496
- Password: NOAA
- Call-in: 1-415-527-5035, and access code: 2761 781 2496
Accessibility: Sign language interpreting services and closed captioning are available, but need to be requested at least 5 days before the event.