NOAA Fisheries Office of Science and Technology is hosting a peer review workshop on proposed calibration methods for its recreational catch survey from March 20-22, 2018 in Silver Spring, Maryland. The workshop is open to the public.
On the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, the Marine Recreational Information Program gathers catch information through the Access Point Angler Intercept Survey, which is conducted by the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico states. State samplers conduct interviews with recreational anglers at public marine fishing access points--including boat ramps, marinas, piers, beaches, jetties, and bridges--to collect representative data on individual angler fishing trips. In 2013, MRIP implemented new APAIS procedures based on recommendations made in an independent review of NOAA Fisheries data collection methods and tested in a pilot study. The improved survey procedures do a better job of accounting for all types of completed trips and remove potential sources of bias from the survey design.
A conversion factor is needed to account for any consistent effects of the redesign on catch rate estimates produced by the APAIS. Applying the conversion factor to APAIS estimates produced prior to 2013 will provide revised historical catch statistics that are comparable to those produced by the improved APAIS. The revised estimates will be used in fisheries stock assessments and management.
NOAA Fisheries is convening a peer review of a statistical approach proposed for the conversion of catch estimates by MRIP. The peer review workshop will provide an assessment of the statistical approach developed by MRIP for this purpose. The product of the workshop will be a summary report and individual panelists’ reports documenting panel opinions regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed conversion approach. The panel of reviewers will include individuals selected by the Center for Independent Experts as well as individuals selected by the Regional Fishery Management Councils and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.
Workshop Details
For more information, including a detailed agenda, supporting documents, and a link to connect remotely, please visit the workshop event page.