Northeast Multispecies Management Plan
The Northeast multispecies fishery is managed by the New England Fishery Management Council using a variety of management tools, including days-at-sea, special management programs, and sectors. The fishery involves numerous species of groundfish found throughout the Greater Atlantic region. The fishery is executed using primarily trawl, gillnet, and hook gear.
Implementing regulations are found at 50 CFR Part 648 Subpart F. Find out more about Managing Sustainable Fisheries in the Greater Atlantic Region.
SAFE Reports
Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation (SAFE) reports are documents or sets of documents that summarize the best scientific information available for federally managed fish stocks. This includes information concerning the biological condition of stocks and marine ecosystems, essential fish habitat (EFH), and the socioeconomic condition of commercial and recreational fisheries. The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act requires that SAFE reports be made available on a publicly accessible website to facilitate use of the information. Northeast Multispecies SAFE report documents are available on the New England Fishery Management Council's website.