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NOAA Fisheries seeks letters of public support for International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) nominees

September 23, 2015

NOAA Fisheries is seeking letters of public support for nominees (listed below) for two presidential appointments to serve as U.S. Commissioners to the International Pacific Halibut Commission. The IPHC is a bilateral regional fishery organization.

NOAA Fisheries is seeking letters of public support for nominees (listed below) for two presidential appointments to serve as U.S. Commissioners to the International Pacific Halibut Commission. The IPHC is a bilateral regional fishery management organization established between Canada and the United States for the management of the Pacific halibut fishery.

Terms expire for the current commissioners December 31, 2015. Commissioners are eligible for reappointment. Of the two appointees, one must be a resident of Alaska and the other shall be a nonresident of Alaska.

Public comments relating to this list of nominees will be accepted until October 23, 2015. Letters of public support that have already been submitted in response to the original solicitation notice do not need to be resubmitted.

Public comments may be sent to:

Email: IPHC2015comments@noaa.gov
Mail: Mr. Pete Jones
NOAA Fisheries Alaska Regional Office
P.O. Box 21668
Juneau, AK 99802-1668
FAX: (907) 586-7249


  • Don Lane
  • Hunter Harrison Mann-Dempster
  • Doug Vincent-Lang
  • Karl Johnstone
  • Richard Yamada
  • Bob King
  • Stephanie Madsen
  • Linda Behnken
  • Jeff Kauffman
  • Rob Edwardson
  • Dan Hull (Alternate only)


  • Bob Alverson

Last updated by Alaska Regional Office on November 16, 2021