Fish Passage Projects Selected for Funding
Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act, NOAA is supporting efforts to help restore access to healthy habitat for migratory fish across the country.
NOAA has run two rounds of the Restoring Fish Passage through Barrier Removal funding opportunity under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act. In the first round of funding, NOAA awarded more than $87 million in funding for 23 projects. In the second round of funding, NOAA recommended more than $158 million in funding for 27 projects.
These projects will help restore access to healthy habitat for migratory fish across the country through efforts including: on-the-ground fish passage restoration, engineering and design, future project development, and building the capacity of new and existing partners to design projects and manage multi-faceted restoration efforts.
Second Round
The Choctawhatchee, Pea, and Yellow Rivers Watershed Management Authority will take initial planning and design steps toward removing the defunct Elba Hydroelectric Dam Project, which is the only fish passage barrier in the Choctawhatchee River watershed. Removal of the dam will support Alabama shad and threatened Gulf sturgeon by increasing access to 34 miles of habitat on the Pea River used for spawning, nursery, and refuge. ($1.7 million)
Second Round
Trout Unlimited will address several stream crossing barriers in the Tongass National Forest in Southeast Alaska, where thousands of streams support one of the world’s greatest salmon‐producing regions. Logging and road building activities in the forest have created barriers that affect salmon migration, spawning, and rearing. This project will restore access to nearly 20 miles of stream habitat and 52 acres of lake and wetland habitat for coho and other salmon species. ($4.2 million)
First Round
Copper River Watershed Project will remove two culverts and design seven additional culvert removals in Copper River delta. This flood-prone area has seen multiple 100-year flood events in recent years. Removing the culverts will reduce the risk of structural failure and maintain community access to emergency services and resources. ($1.4 million)
Second Round
California Trout will address the last major fish passage barrier in Alameda Creek, opening nearly 22 miles of habitat for threatened Central California Coast steelhead and other migratory fish. Currently, a concrete erosion control structure blocks fish passage on the creek. This project will remove the barrier, working in conjunction with an already planned effort to move a utility pipeline. ($4.3 million)
California Trout will construct two nature-like fishways at the Metrolink Railway and Interstate 5 crossings, restoring access to 15 miles of habitat in the Trabuco Creek tributary of San Juan Creek. In conjunction with other ongoing dam removal efforts in the watershed, this effort provides an opportunity to significantly contribute to the recovery of endangered Southern California steelhead. The project will also benefit the surrounding community by stabilizing an aging flood control channel. ($14.6 million)
Napa County Resource Conservation District will work towards improving fish passage at 7 sites in Napa County, collectively reopening 15 miles of river habitat for threatened Central California Coast steelhead. They will also develop an assessment document for the remaining dozens of barriers in the county, and begin design and permitting for the three highest ranking barriers from that assessment. ($6.7 million)
First Round
California Trout will remove and replace a bridge on the Santa Margarita River. The new, 575-foot bridge will be sized to accommodate a 500-year flood event, increasing community climate resilience. The new bridge will also provide access to 12 miles of upstream habitat for endangered Southern California steelhead. ($3.3 million)
California Trout will plan and design the removal of a rockfall barrier and obsolete fishway in Big Chico Creek. The project will reconnect access to more than 8 miles of high-quality habitat for Central Valley Spring Run Chinook and Central Valley steelhead, including cold water habitat that is critical for climate resilience. ($1.4 million in first year; up to $9.9 million total over three years)
The Nature Conservancy will address two barriers on Jalama Creek that are high priority for Southern California steelhead. They will completely remove a weir at one site. At a second site, they will build a roughened channel to address passage at Jalama Road bridge. The effort will open access to more than 12 miles of habitat. ($2.1 million)
Trout Unlimited will support the removal of nine barriers on the Eel, Noyo, Navarro, and Big Rivers by constructing seven projects and designing two additional projects. The work will benefit endangered Central California Coast coho salmon (a NOAA Species in the Spotlight) as well as threatened Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast coho, California Coastal Chinook, and Northern California steelhead. ($6.2 million)
First Round
The Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments will remove the Kinneytown Dam Facility on the Naugatuck River. The project will open 29 miles for blueback herring, American shad, and alewife on the mainstem river, and an additional 28 miles of tributaries for American eel. It also includes developing public access points to improve opportunities for using the river. ($2 million in first year; up to $15 million total over three years)
Second Round
The Nature Conservancy will take initial planning and design steps to address fish passage at Juliette Dam and Snapping Shoal Dam, both within the Altamaha-Ocmulgee watershed. These efforts will work toward the restoration of fish passage to more than 700 miles of habitat for endangered Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon, as well as other migratory fish. Addressing the dams would also provide benefits to local communities—including nearby metro Atlanta—by removing two public safety hazards and improving opportunities for recreation. ($1.5 million)
First Round
The Idaho Office of Species Conservation will improve fish passage in the Upper Snake River. It will address four culverts at Poison Creek, Kinnikinic Creek, George Creek, and Big Cedar Creek. Improving access to these tributaries will provide important cold water habitat for species like Chinook salmon and steelhead. ($4.2 million)
Second Round
The Maine Department of Marine Resources will continue construction of structures to improve fish passage at Woodland Dam on the St. Croix River. When complete, this effort will provide access to significant habitat for migratory fish, including 60,000 acres of habitat for alewife. By benefitting species like alewife, American shad, and American eel, the project is expected to result in increased prey for whales, dolphins, groundfish, and saltwater sportfish. ($7.5 million)
The Nature Conservancy will work to improve fish passage on the Piscataquis River, a major tributary to the Penobscot River. This effort will reconnect a significant amount of stream habitat in the Penobscot Salmon Habitat Recovery Unit, one of three designated regions in Maine for restoring habitat for endangered Atlantic salmon, a NOAA Species in the Spotlight. It will also support local communities by reducing the potential for flooding and addressing a public safety hazard. ($19.9 million)
The City of Auburn will remove the Littlefield Dam, a former hydropower project in the Little Androscoggin River, to reopen stream habitat and access to a pond for endangered Atlantic salmon (a NOAA Species in the Spotlight) and other migratory fish. They will also assess the feasibility of improving fish passage at three additional dams in the area. The project would support the local community by helping improve public safety, creating opportunities for recreation and tourism, and developing fish as an important food source. ($3.5 million)
Maine Rivers will improve fish passage at numerous sites in the Merrymeeting Bay Salmon Habitat Recovery Unit, one of three designated regions in Maine for restoring habitat for endangered Atlantic salmon, a NOAA Species in the Spotlight. Efforts will include multiple dam removals, culvert replacements, and construction of fish ladders and nature-like fishways. When completed, these efforts will improve access to significant stream habitat for Atlantic salmon and alewife. They will also support local communities by reducing flood risk and removing aging infrastructure. ($13.5 million)
The Downeast Salmon Federation will remove the Cherryfield Ice Control Dam on the Narraguagus River and replace it with a nature-like fishway, allowing for endangered Atlantic salmon (a NOAA Species in the Spotlight) and other fish to migrate unimpeded up and downstream of the site. The Narraguagus River has some of the highest quality habitat for Atlantic salmon in the Downeast Salmon Habitat Recovery Unit, one of three designated regions in Maine for restoring habitat for Atlantic salmon. ($9.1 million)
First Round
The Atlantic Salmon Federation will address fish passage barriers in the Penobscot River watershed to support the largest run of Atlantic salmon (a NOAA Species in the Spotlight) in the United States. They will completely remove two dams and install fish ladders at two other sites to open sites that are currently complete barriers to fish passage. ($7.6 million)
The Maine Department of Marine Resources will design and implement a fish lift at Woodland Dam on the St. Croix River, providing access to 600 miles for all migratory fish and 60,000 acres of habitat for alewife. By benefitting species like alewife, American shad, and American eel, the project is expected to result in increased prey for whales, dolphins, groundfish, and saltwater sportfish. ($600,000 in first year; up to $14.8 million total over three years)
Second Round
American Rivers will complete design and permitting for the removal of Daniels Dam on the Patapsco River, which would open access to 30 miles of habitat for river herring and American eel. This effort is part of the larger Patapsco Restoration Project, which has included the NOAA-supported removals of Bloede Dam, Simkins Dam, and Union Dam. Daniels Dam is located upstream of the former site of Bloede Dam, and is the last remaining barrier on the mainstem river. ($1.8 million)
Second Round
Buzzards Bay Coalition will work to improve fish passage and restore habitat on the Agawam River to support river herring and other migratory fish. Efforts will include one dam removal and assessments of restoration needed throughout the watershed to restore fish passage through former cranberry boglands. The Agawam River is home to one of the most abundant river herring runs on Buzzards Bay, supporting a broad range of fish and wildlife in the estuary. ($3.7 million)
The Town of Plymouth will construct a fishway around the historic Jenney Pond Dam, the last remaining passage barrier on Town Brook, to open access to habitat for river herring and American eel. They will also dredge and restore the pond behind the dam. The fishway is expected to address flooding concerns at Jenney Pond associated with 100-year storms. NOAA previously partnered with the Town of Plymouth to remove 5 other fish passage barriers on Town Brook. ($10 million)
First Round
The Ipswich River Watershed Association will restore access to 238 miles of habitat in the Ipswich and Parker River watersheds, tributaries to the Great Marsh Area of Critical Environmental Concern. They will address five dams: Ipswich Mills, Larkin Mill, Willowdale, Howlett Brook, and South Middleton Dams. The effort will benefit river herring, American shad, and American eel. ($2.4 million)
The Town of Braintree will remove two dams in the Monatiquot River watershed. The dam removals will create immediate access to habitat for alewives and other migratory species. They will also increase community resilience by reducing the flood elevation by up to 9 feet and eliminating the threat that dam failure poses to a commuter railroad and highway. ($2 million)
Michigan and Wisconsin
First Round
Trout Unlimited will remove or replace eight fish passage barriers to open 55 miles of spawning, rearing, and refuge habitat on high-quality cold water streams in the Great Lakes region. The projects are expected to benefit native Great Lakes species like brook trout and sturgeon. They are also expected to improve climate resilience by reducing flooding and improving threatened infrastructure. ($4.8 million)
New Hampshire
First Round
The Town of Durham will design and implement removal of the Mill Pond Dam and install a fish ladder on the Oyster Reservoir Dam to improve fish passage on the Oyster River. In addition to reopening access to habitat, removal of the Mill Pond Dam will increase community resilience, as the dam does not currently meet regulations to safely withstand a 50-year storm event. ($290,000 in first year; up to total $3.5 million over three years)
New Jersey
Second Round
The Nature Conservancy will remove the Upper and Lower E.R. Collins Dams—the first two dams on the Pequest River, a tributary to the Delaware River. Alongside the removal of two other upstream dams already underway, this project will open access to mainstem and tributary habitat for American shad, river herring, and other migratory fish. It will also help reduce flooding in the local community of Belvidere, New Jersey. ($6.9 million)
Raritan Headwaters Association will remove Rockafellows Mill Dam on the South Branch Raritan River to open access to habitat for American shad, river herring, and other migratory fish. They will also restore nearby floodplain and streamside habitats. Removal of the dam will eliminate a significant public safety hazard, improve opportunities for recreation, and reduce the risk of flooding in the local community. ($2.3 million)
North Carolina
First Round
American Rivers will restore priority habitat in the Cape Fear watershed for several migratory fish species, including American shad, river herring, striped bass, Atlantic sturgeon, and American eel. Three dams upstream of a series of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Locks and Dams will be removed, and pre-removal activities will be initiated for two additional dams. ($4.5 million in first year; up to $7.4 million total over three years)
The Nature Conservancy will replace six undersized culverts with bridges and remove two earthen barriers within the floodplain of the lower Roanoke River. Removal of these eight barriers will benefit migratory species such as blueback herring. It will also provide community benefits by reducing flooding and improving water quality in the watershed. ($3.3 million)
Second Round
Marys River Watershed Council will support threatened Upper Willamette River Chinook and steelhead by addressing 18 barriers across multiple watersheds in the Mid-Willamette region. Efforts include removing a dam and replacing several culverts to reopen access to more than 40 miles of habitat. This work will also support local communities by reducing the risk of flooding and helping improve response to wildfires. ($8.7 million)
Multnomah County will replace a culvert and failed fish ladder with a new bridge on Beaver Creek, the lowest tributary of the Sandy River. This will open up more than 6 miles of high-quality habitat for threatened coho and Chinook salmon and threatened steelhead. The new bridge will increase the climate resilience of the community by being able to accommodate increasingly larger storms. (Up to $7.8 million total over three years)
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife will evaluate potential options for restoring fish passage at Keno Dam on the Klamath River. Nearly 350 miles of habitat lie upstream of the dam, and access to that habitat by salmon will be possible for the first time in a century following completion of the ongoing removal of the lower four dams on the river. This project will evaluate a range of options—from retaining the existing dam to full removal and replacement—that both provide fish passage and retain irrigation, flood control, and other functions for the surrounding community. ($1.9 million)
Tillamook Estuaries Partnership will support recovery of threatened Oregon Coast coho by restoring estuary and river habitat in Sand Lake Estuary. They will work toward breaching Beltz Dike, replacing three culverts behind the dike, and restoring tidal wetlands. The project will also repair the main road to Tierra del Mar, which is often closed due to flooding and is at risk of total failure. ($1.6 million)
Trout Unlimited will remove 7 fish passage barriers as part of the ongoing Salmon Superhighway effort, contributing to the initiative’s overall 180-mile goal. Collectively, the initiative will support salmon, steelhead, and other species by addressing priority fish passage concerns and improving access to a diversity of habitats. It will also provide transportation infrastructure and flood resilience benefits to local communities. ($4 million)
First Round
American Rivers will design, permit, and begin construction activities for the removal of Kellogg Creek Dam. The dam currently blocks access to 15 miles of high quality habitat in Kellogg Creek, a tributary of the Willamette River. Removing the dam will provide habitat for threatened Lower Columbia River coho, Chinook, and steelhead. ($7.5 million in first year; up to $15 million total over three years)
Wild Salmon Center will implement nine fish passage projects in four Oregon coastal watersheds. The effort will remove and replace aging culverts, dams, tide gates, and other infrastructure to reopen and reconnect habitat for Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast coho and Oregon Coast coho. ($3.6 million)
Rhode Island
Second Round
The Town of Westerly will assess and implement a fish passage solution at Potter Hill Dam, the last fish passage barrier on the mainstem of the Pawcatuck River. The work will provide access to more than 3,000 acres of spawning habitat and 120 miles of stream habitat for river herring and other migratory fish. This project is part of a larger redevelopment of a former mill site, which will be converted into a public park. Addressing the dam and the old mill building will eliminate public safety hazards and significantly increase recreation for the community. ($683,000 in first year; up to $12.4 million total over three years)
Second Round
Chelan County will work to address several fish passage barriers in the Wenatchee watershed, one of four major watersheds of the Upper Columbia River Basin. This work will reopen access to high-quality habitat for threatened Upper Columbia steelhead and endangered Upper Columbia Chinook salmon. ($1.6 million)
Trout Unlimited will restore access to high quality spawning and rearing habitat within the Olympic Peninsula by addressing 6 fish passage barriers in the Hoh, Queets-Quinault, and Quillayute watersheds. The barriers were identified as priorities under the Coldwater Connection Campaign, a partnership that aims to reconnect 125 river miles by removing 50 of the highest priority fish passage barriers on the Western Olympic Peninsula. ($8.4 million)
The Tulalip Tribes will work with partners to plan and construct multiple barrier removals in several watersheds in the Stillaguamish and Snohomish Basins, part of the South Whidbey Basin in Puget Sound. This work will support several salmon and steelhead species that are of economic, recreational, and cultural importance to the Tulalip Tribes and other members of the local community. By removing or replacing undersized and aging culverts with structures designed to withstand climate change, these efforts will also help protect the community from flooding. ($11.7 million)
The Yakama Nation will advance several efforts to improve fish passage and reduce the mortality of salmon and steelhead in the Yakima River basin. By addressing barriers at multiple sites, this work will help support tribally-important fisheries and restore access to traditional tribal fishing locations. It will also provide juvenile salmon with access to habitat with cooler water temperatures during summer months. ($7 million in first year; up to $14 million total over three years)
First Round
The City of Hoquiam will assess the feasibility of removing the West Fork of the Hoquiam River Dam. The project will also involve installing and testing groundwater wells as an alternative water source for the city. If found feasible, the effort would open 13 miles of habitat for salmon and provide a more reliable water supply for city residents. ($1.2 million)
Trout Unlimited will conduct a planning and feasibility assessment for the removal of Enloe Dam on Similkameen River, a tributary of the Columbia River. The dam has blocked fish passage for 100 years. Its removal would open access to cold water habitat, improve tribal fishing opportunities, and reduce the risk of flooding. ($2.3 million)
Trout Unlimited will replace eight fish passage barriers as part of the Coldwater Connection Campaign, a partnership to reconnect 125 miles of high quality salmon and steelhead streams in Washington’s coastal areas. The project will open more than 7 miles of spawning and rearing habitat for salmon and will increase Hoh tribal community capacity focused on salmon restoration. ($7.1 million)
The Tulalip Tribes will plan and construct 16 barrier removal projects in the Snohomish River watershed. These projects will remove or replace culverts with structures designed to withstand climate change. They will restore connectivity to more than 32 miles of habitat in priority streams for the recovery of salmon. ($9.7 million)
The Wild Salmon Center will design, permit, and remove nine culverts as part of the Coldwater Connection Campaign. The culvert removals will improve access for migratory salmon and improve the durability of public infrastructure. The project was developed with the Quileute and Quinault Tribes and will increase tribal capacity for fish passage restoration. ($11.9 million)
The Yakama Nation will remove the Bateman Island Causeway, located at the confluence of the Yakima and Columbia Rivers. It will complete hydraulic modeling at the Prosser Dam on the Yakima River. These efforts will improve spawning and rearing habitat for Chinook, coho, and steelhead in the river and its tributaries. ($235,000 in first year; up to $3.6 million total over three years)
Second Round
American Climate Partners will remove the Rapidan Mill Dam and restore habitat along the Rapidan River in the lower Chesapeake Bay. Removal of the dam will open more than 500 miles of habitat for American shad, river herring, and other migratory fish. The project will also benefit the local community by increasing recreational and subsistence fishing opportunities, improving public access to the river, reducing the risk of flooding, and removing aging infrastructure. ($1.5 million in first year; up to $7.9 million total over three years)