Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the Effects of Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic Ocean
Multiple environmental impact statements and related documents from 2010 to 2016.
Final Environmental Impact Statement(October 2016)
On October 11, 2016, NOAA released the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Effects of Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic Ocean. The FEIS evaluates, in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the potential direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts of implementing the alternative approaches for authorizing the take of marine mammals incidental to oil and gas exploration activities in the Arctic Ocean pursuant to the Marine Mammal Protection Act.
- Final EIS (PDF, 2095 pages)
- Volume 1: Chapters 1–3 (PDF, 429 pages)
- Volume 2: Chapters 4–8 (PDF, 847 pages)
- Volume 3: Figures and Appendices (PDF, 823 pages)
Supporting Document on the Final EIS
- NOAA Federal Register Notice of Availability (October 2016)
- EPA Federal Register Notice of Availability (October 2016)
Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement(March 2013)
On March 21, 2013, NOAA released the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Effects of Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic Ocean, which analyzes how a broad range of potential offshore oil and gas activities in the Arctic could affect marine mammals, other resources, and Alaska Native communities.
NOAA prepared a summary indicating sections of the document that contain substantive changes (PDF, 5 pages) from the December 2011 draft EIS.
- Dear Reviewer letter (PDF, 1 page)
- Press Release (PDF, 2 pages)
- Supplemental Draft EIS (PDF, 1408 pages)
- Volume 1: Chapters 1–3 (PDF, 445 pages)
- Volume 2: Chapters 4–6 (PDF, 731 pages)
- Volume 3: Chapters 7–8, Figures, and Appendices (PDF, 316 pages)
Comments on the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
The comment period for the Supplemental Draft EIS closed on June 27, 2013.
- Public Comments Received on the Supplemental Draft EIS (PDF, 1123 pages)
NOAA Fisheries accepted written and oral comments in April 2013 at the following Public Hearing locations. Transcripts of the hearings are linked below:
- Kotzebue (PDF, 1 page)
- Barrow and ICAS Annex (PDF, 1 page)
- Anchorage (PDF, 1 page)
Supporting Document on the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- NOAA Federal Register Notice of Availability (March 2013)
- EPA Federal Register Notice of Availability (March 2013)
- Notice of Intent To Prepare a Supplemental Draft EIS
(January 2013)
Draft Environmental Impact Statement(December 2011)
NOAA Fisheries released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) to analyze the impacts of oil and gas offshore exploration activities (such as seismic surveys and exploratory drilling) in Federal and state waters of the U.S. Chukchi and Beaufort Seas off Alaska.
Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) (PDF, 1566 pages)
- Dear Reviewer letter (PDF, 1 page)
- Executive Summary (PDF, 34 pages)
- Volume I: Chapters 1–3 (PDF, 424 pages)
- Volume II: Chapters 4–6 (PDF, 654 pages)
- Volume III: Chapters 7–8, Appendices A–D (PDF, 488 pages)
Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement
The comment period for the Draft EIS closed on February 28, 2012.
- Public Comments Received on Draft EIS (PDF, 836 pages)
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Meetings Schedule
Public meetings were held in January and February 2012 in:
- Wainwright
- Barrow
- Kivalina
- Kotzebue
- Point Hope
- Anchorage
Supporting Documents on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- Public Newsletter #3 (January 2012)(PDF, 6 pages)
- NOAA Federal Register Notice of Availability (December 2011)
- EPA Federal Register Notice of Availability (December 2011)
- Public Newsletter #2 (July 2010)(PDF, 4 pages)
- Public Newsletter #1 (February 2010)(PDF, 4 pages)
Scoping Meetings
NOAA Fisheries conducted public scoping meetings in the following cities and communities during February and March 2010. The individual meeting transcripts are linked below:
- Anchorage (PDF, 91 pages)
- Barrow (PDF, 59 pages)
- Kaktovik (PDF, 22 pages)
- Kotzebue (PDF, 28 pages)
- Nuiqsut (PDF, 99 pages)
- Point Hope (PDF, 32 pages)
- Point Lay (PDF, 19 pages)
- Wainwright (PDF, 24 pages)
NOAA Fisheries invited comments and input from the public, organizations and interest groups, local governments, and Federal and state agencies on issues surrounding the proposal, including input on the range of actions, alternatives, and impacts that should be considered in the EIS. NOAA Fisheries received handwritten comments at public scoping meetings and comments that were submitted via mail, e-mail, and fax.
- Scoping Report (PDF, 204 pages)
- Comments Received (PDF, 560 pages)
- Presentation Sample from Scoping Meeting (PDF, 31 pages)
- Notice of Public Meetings (February 24, 2010)
- Notice of Intent (February 2010)