Rhode Island Floating Trap Fishery - MMPA List of Fisheries
U.S. fisheries are classified under the Marine Mammal Protection Act according to the level of interactions that result in incidental mortality or serious injury of marine mammals.
Current Classification on the List of Fisheries
Category |
Estimated Number of Participants |
9 |
Target Species |
Scup, striped bass, squid |
Applicable Take Reduction Plans |
N/A |
Observer Coverage |
N/A |
Marine Mammal Species/Stocks Killed or Injured |
None documented |
^ Number of participants estimates are based on state and federal fisheries permit data. The estimated number of participants is expressed in terms of the number of active participants in the fishery, when possible. If this information is not available, the estimated number of vessels or persons licensed for a particular fishery is provided. If no recent information is available on the number of participants, then the number from the most recent LOF is used. NOAA Fisheries acknowledges that, in some cases, these estimations may be inflating actual effort.
*Observer coverage levels include the latest information reported in the most current final Stock Assessment Report (SAR).
1 Indicates the stock or species is driving the classification of the fishery.
Basis for Current Classification
No marine mammal interactions have been reported for this gear type and strandings data do not provide evidence for interactions. Given this fishery’s close proximity to shore and the absence of evidence for marine mammal injury or mortality resulting from this gear, a Category III classification is warranted.
Nets are set seasonally between May and October in Rhode Island state waters.
Gear Description
A maze of vertical nets anchored to the bottom and stretched to the water’s surface by attached buoys. The nets are anchored to the bottom and may be secured to the shore. These nets are set similar to weir/pound nets. At least four reflective buoys (highflyers) mark the traps. One buoy is located at the shoreward end of the leader, one at the seaward end of the leader adjacent to the head of the trap, and two buoys at the seaward side of the head of the trap
This fishery is managed under Rhode Island state regulations.
Historical Information
Original Category (Year added to the LOF) |
III (2012) |
Original Number of Participants |
9 |
Basis for Original Classification |
No marine mammal interactions have been reported for this gear type and strandings data do not provide evidence for interactions. Given this fishery’s close proximity to shore and the absence of evidence for marine mammal injury or mortality resulting from this gear, a Category III classification is warranted. |
Past Names |
N/A |
Species/stocks historically documented as killed or injured (but not currently on the list) |
N/A |