Frequent Questions: Atlantic Salmon Habitat Restoration Partnership Grants
Find answers to frequent questions about the Atlantic Salmon Habitat Restoration Partnership Grants.
When are proposals due?
This competition will remain open until March 2026, contingent on the availability of funds. Applications will be accepted and considered on an annual basis as they are received each year. To be considered for funding in the current federal fiscal year, applications are due by March 29, 2024. For funding in FY2025 and FY2026, applications will be due by March 31, 2025, and March 31, 2026, respectively.
Will match or cost-share be required for this program?
While there is no statutory match or cost-share requirement for this funding, NOAA typically leverages its federal funding with matching contributions and/or partnerships from a broad range of sources in the public and private sector. To this end, applicants are encouraged to complement the federal investment through non-federal matching contributions and federal and/or informal non-federal leverage to support their proposed restoration actions.
Who is eligible to apply for this program?
Eligible applicants are institutions of higher education; non-profits; commercial (for profit) organizations; and state, local, and Native American tribal governments. Applications from federal agencies or employees of federal agencies will not be considered. Federal agencies are strongly encouraged to work with states, non-governmental organizations, municipal and county governments, and others that are eligible to apply.
Will there be any educational resources (webinars, phone calls, etc.) on how to apply or improve applications?
Yes, we plan to hold an applicant webinar, which will be recorded and the information posted to the website. Information about the webinar will be posted on the NOAA Fisheries website once it is scheduled. In addition, each applicant has the opportunity to receive feedback about how to improve an application after the competitive process is complete.
What is the minimum and maximum NOAA funding request?
NOAA will accept proposals with a NOAA federal funding request of between $100,000 and $1.5 million over a three-year award period.
What types of projects will be supported by this funding?
Proposals may include the following types of activities: feasibility studies; planning and assessments directly linked to restoration implementation; engineering design and permitting; on-the-ground implementation; pre- and post-removal implementation monitoring; stakeholder engagement, or a combination thereof.
When can funded projects start?
October 1, 2024, is the earliest potential start date for awards.
Are there ineligible project types?
Yes, a complete list is in Section III.C of the funding opportunity. Some examples include effectiveness monitoring and research, and activities that alleviate the liability associated with legally required compensatory restoration for natural resource damages.
Can projects outside the state of Maine be funded?
Applicants must propose work within one or more Salmon Habitat Recovery Units (SHRUs) in the state of Maine. Physical and/or mailing addresses for applicant organizations are not required to be located within the SHRU boundaries. The SHRUs encompass the full range of the Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment of Atlantic salmon, including:
- Merrymeeting Bay, which covers the Androscoggin and Kennebec, and extends east to include the Sheepscot, Pemaquid, Medomak, and St. George watersheds
- Penobscot Bay, which covers the entire Penobscot basin and extends west to include the Ducktrap watershed
- Downeast Coastal, including all coastal watersheds from the Union River east to the Dennys River
Is there a limit on the number of proposals from any one applicant, geographic area or Salmon Habitat Recovery Unit (SHRU)?
No. There is no limit on the number of proposals from any one applicant, geographic area, or SHRU.
Will a letter from my state or territory's governor be required?
No, a letter from your state or territory governor is not required. However, letters of support from a diverse set of stakeholders may enhance the proposal’s score in the Outreach and Education criteria (Section V.A.5 of the funding opportunity).
Will NOAA ensure geographic distribution of selected awards?
The NOAA Selecting Official will select applications in rank order, unless there is justification to select out of rank order based upon standard selection factors outlined in the funding opportunity, including the availability of funding and balanced distribution of funds according to geography, type of institution, type of partners, research/focus areas, and project types.