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815 items match your filter criteria.

Closure of 2022 Maine Pinniped Unusual Mortality Event

The Unusual Mortality Event involving stranded harbor and gray seals along the coast of Maine has ended.
January 16, 2024 - Feature Story ,
HPAI Testing on a seal. Marine Mammals of Maine take nasal swabs from a harbor seal for HPAI testing. Credit: Marine Mammals of Maine

Ox Creek Restoration Key to Environmental Justice in Benton Harbor, Michigan

To revitalize Benton Harbor, NOAA is helping to restore an urban waterway damaged by decades of industrial pollution, storm water runoff, and neglect.
January 11, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Project partners, Benton Harbor city officials, and residents celebrate the Ox Creek restoration efforts (Photo: Zaire Williams/Benton Spirit News) Project partners, Benton Harbor city officials, and residents celebrate the Ox Creek restoration efforts (Photo: Zaire Williams/Benton Spirit News)

Reliable Shark Taggers Make Citizen Science Program Possible

The Cooperative Shark Tagging Program owes much of its continued success to the volunteers who adhere to NOAA Fisheries’ tagging standards.
December 27, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Shark in the water with a tag next to its first dorsal fin. Blacktip shark with a dart tag at the base of its first dorsal fin. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Supporting Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon in the Chesapeake Bay

Work in the Chesapeake Bay includes identifying and protecting habitat used by these fish for spawning, seeking to minimize vessel strikes, and educating students about these fish.
December 19, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Two sturgeon swim above a gravelly bottom Atlantic sturgeon near rocky bottom

Welcome to the New Era of Shark Ageing

Researchers develop new techniques to age sharks in the wake of a paradigm-shifting discovery.
December 15, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Scientist looking through a microscope. A magnified shark vertebra is displayed on a computer screen. Michelle Passerotti examining a sectioned great hammerhead vertebrae under the microscope. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Bethany DeLoof

Ipswich and Parker River Dam Removals in Massachusetts to Restore Fish and Protect Communities

With $2.5 million in funding through NOAA, the Ipswich River Watershed Association and Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries will address dams blocking fish passage and posing flood risks to towns.
December 13, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Field trip group visiting the Ipswich Mills Dam (Photo: Marilyn Humphries, courtesy of Ipswich River Watershed Association) Field trip group visiting the Ipswich Mills Dam (Photo: Marilyn Humphries, courtesy of Ipswich River Watershed Association)

North Atlantic Right Whales Have Better Food in the Gulf of St. Lawrence

Copepods there are larger and more nutritious there than in other foraging areas.
December 13, 2023 - Feature Story ,
A blimp-shaped plankton with two long trailing antennae tucked along its underside and a shrimp-like tail. Calanus under a microscope. Credit: Michael Runge/Copepdia

International Collaboration Improves Understanding of Tuna Populations

Researchers found that Atlantic bluefin tuna from the three known spawning grounds are more genetically interconnected than previously thought.
December 13, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Closeup of Bluefin Tuna

Explore a NOAA Career: Summer 2024 Paid Internships in the Chesapeake Bay

College students: Apply by January 28, 2024, for these opportunities to learn from and work with NOAA scientists and other experts.
December 11, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Onboard a boat, a young woman wearing sunglasses and holding a small camera crouches near a frame made from PVC pipe. An intern with the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office readies equipment to monitor the health of restored oyster reefs.