Scientists collaborate with stakeholders to evaluate scenarios that predict changes in the distribution and abundance of commercially important fish and shellfish due to climate change.
With $5 million in NOAA funds, Gulf Coast partners will expand efforts to restore oyster populations, protect vanishing land, and reconnect communities to their coastal heritage.
Seafood Expo North America is a leading trade event for all sectors of the seafood industry. The Expo will be held at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center from March 10-12, 2024. Visit us at Booth #181.
Using a combination of survey data and laboratory studies, NOAA Fisheries scientists identified starvation as the most likely cause of mass mortality event during the eastern Bering Sea marine heatwave.
Supporting healthy, sustainable seafood and a robust seafood industry is a major priority for NOAA Fisheries. Hear from NOAA Fisheries leadership and members of the seafood community about climate readiness and plans for responding to a changing climate.