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Science Blogs

148 items match your filter criteria.

Studying Fur Seal and Sea Lion Populations in Sunny Southern California – Blog Post 3

Join Alaska Fisheries Science Center researchers as they continue long-term studies of the populations of pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, fur seals) at San Miguel Island, California.
August 09, 2024 - Survey ,
California sea lion jumping while riding a wave. Surfing California sea lions. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Tony Orr under NMFS Research Permits #22678 and #23283.

Studying Fur Seal and Sea Lion Populations in Sunny Southern California – Blog Post 2

Join Alaska Fisheries Science Center researchers as they continue long-term studies of the populations of pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, fur seals) at San Miguel Island, California.
August 02, 2024 - Survey ,
Seal pup on the beach with sand on its face and body with rookery in background California sea lion pup. Credit: NOAA Fisheries / Tony Orr UAS under NMFS Research Permits #22678 and #23283.

Studying Ice Seals in the Bering Sea—Post #2

NOAA Fisheries scientists conduct several regular surveys and field projects on seals that make their homes on Arctic sea ice to gather information to be used to manage these seal populations.
July 23, 2024 - Survey ,
An overhead view looking down on spotted seal female and its nursing pup on a sea ice floe. The white pup is actively nursing. The mother has a dark gray back and a light gray underbelly, with dark spots along its side. Female spotted seal nurses her pup on an ice floe in the Bering Sea. Photo taken while working under authority of NOAA Fisheries Research Permit #23858 and NOAA Notice of Intent to Fly #N24-17.

Studying Ice Seals in the Bering Sea—Post #1

On the Ice with Our Scientists

NOAA Fisheries scientists conduct several regular surveys and field projects on seals that make their homes on Arctic sea ice to gather information to be used to manage these seal populations.
May 09, 2024 - Survey ,
A seal with dark black hair and a distinct white ribbon pattern resting on an ice floe in the sunshine with its head up and looking forward to the left. An adult male ribbon seal (Histriophoca fasciata) rests in the sunshine on an ice floe in the Bering Sea. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Josh M London Photo taken while working under authority of NMFS Research Permit #23858

Joint Canada-US Deep-Sea Coral Seamount Survey Post #5

Joint U.S.-Canada Deep-Sea Coral Seamount Survey

On September 6th, an international team of researchers assembled to survey deep-sea coral and sponge habitats on seamounts 300 miles offshore of the U.S.-Canada border in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Follow this blog to learn what they discover.
November 08, 2022 - Survey ,
In a large room, several scientists sit on chairs looking at different screens showing a black and white image of black coral on the seafloor. In the ship’s wet lab, the science crew is glued to the monitors during a drop-camera survey on Brown Bear Seamount, one of the seamounts that has never been seen by humans before. This was one of the final surveys of this expedition during which we watched live images of black coral. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Paul Hillman.

Joint Canada-US Deep-Sea Coral Seamount Survey Post #4

Joint U.S.-Canada Deep-Sea Coral Seamount Survey

On September 6th, an international team of researchers assembled to survey deep-sea coral and sponge habitats on seamounts 300 miles offshore of the U.S.-Canada border in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Follow this blog to learn what they discover.
October 06, 2022 - Survey ,
Group of 9 common dolphins swimming rapidly in blue water. Rare sighting this far north of common short-beaked dolphins bow-riding the Canadian Coast Guard Vessel John P Tully. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Paul Hillman.

Joint Canada-US Deep-Sea Coral Seamount Survey Post #3

Joint U.S.-Canada Deep-Sea Coral Seamount Survey

On September 6th, an international team of researchers assembled to survey deep-sea coral and sponge habitats on seamounts 300 miles offshore of the U.S.-Canada border in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Follow this blog to learn what they discover.
September 20, 2022 - Survey ,
Metal cage surrounding an underwater dual-camera housing with 4 underwater LED lights below. The stereo drop-camera rig. The two lenses along the top are the two cameras and the four lower cylinders are the LED strobe lights that flash when the cameras fire. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Paul Hillman.

Joint Canada-US Deep-Sea Coral Seamount Survey Post #2

Joint U.S.-Canada Deep-Sea Coral Seamount Survey

On September 6th, an international team of researchers assembled to survey deep-sea coral and sponge habitats on seamounts 300 miles offshore of the U.S.-Canada border in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Follow this blog to learn what they discover.
September 16, 2022 - Survey ,
photo of two people in hard hats and orange vests lowering stereocamera array overboard Deploying the stereo camera system over the starboard side of the Canadian Coast Guard Vessel John P. Tully. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Paul Hillman.

Joint Canada-U.S. Deep-Sea Coral Seamount Survey Post #1

Joint U.S.-Canada Deep-Sea Coral Seamount Survey

On September 6, an international team of researchers assembled to survey deep sea coral and sponge habitats on seamounts 300 miles offshore of the U.S.-Canada border in the Northeast Pacific. Follow this blog to learn what they discover.
September 14, 2022 - Survey ,
Photograph of ships bow crashing through rough water. The bow of the Canada Coast Guard vessel John P. Tully plowing through rough seas in the Northeast Pacific Ocean—150 miles west of the US-Canada border. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Paul Hillman.