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Woman smiling with Orca in background

Jessica Crance

Research Biologist
Marine Mammal Laboratory
marine mammal bioacoustics
Office: (206) 526-4063
Email: jessica.crance@noaa.gov

Jessica Crance

Research Biologist

Jessica Crance is a marine mammal bioacoustician with the Cetacean Assessment and Ecology Program at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center's Marine Mammal Laboratory. She received her Masters Degree from the University of San Diego in 2008 where her thesis focused on killer whale vocal development. After graduating, she began working at MML in spring of 2009. Her work at MML focuses on marine mammal passive acoustics, with an emphasis on population monitoring, spatio-temporal distribution, vocal behavior, and call characteristics of Arctic and sub-Arctic marine mammals. She has studied marine mammals across the North Pacific and Alaskan Arctic using a variety of acoustic platforms, with a focus on finding and studying the critically endangered North Pacific right whale.