2000-2009 Ecosystem Monitoring of the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf: Cruise Reports
We conduct up to six shelf-wide surveys of plankton on the northeast U.S. continental shelf each year. 2000-2009 datasets.
Complete coverage of the shelf (Cape Hatteras to the Gulf of Maine) also occurs during the spring and fall bottom trawl surveys. Station coverage on other cruises throughout the year varies.
The following reports summarize the cruise operations, including gear sampled and additional projects supported. Temperature and salinity observation summaries from these cruises are available.
Our rigorously quality-controlled hydrographic data is publicly available through the NCEI World Ocean Database, and our plankton data is available through the NCEI Geoportal.
- Winter Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0902
- Spring Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0905
- Summer Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0909
- Fall Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0911
- Winter Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0802
- Spring Ecosystem Monitoring Survey HB0804
- Summer Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0808
- Fall Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0810
- Winter Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0701
- Spring Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0706
- Summer Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0709
- Fall Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0711
- Winter Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0602
- Spring Ecosystem Monitoring Survey AL0605
- Summer Ecosystem Monitoring Survey AL0607
- Fall Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0616
- Winter Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0501
- Spring Ecosystem Monitoring Survey AL0505
- Summer Ecosystem Monitoring Survey AL0507
- Fall Ecosystem Monitoring Survey AL0509
- Winter Ecosystem Monitoring Survey AL0401
- Spring Ecosystem Monitoring Survey AL0405
- Summer Ecosystem Monitoring Survey AL0408
- Fall Ecosystem Monitoring Survey AL0410
- Winter Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0301
- Spring Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0305
- Summer Ecosystem Monitoring Survey AM0301
- Fall Ecosystem Monitoring Survey AL0306
- Winter Ecosystem Monitoring Survey AL0202
- Spring Ecosystem Monitoring Survey AL0206
- Jun VPR LMR AL0207
- Summer Ecosystem Monitoring Survey NS0201
- Fall Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0210
- Spring Ecosystem Monitoring Survey Leg I AL0106
- Spring Ecosystem Monitoring Survey Leg II DE0105
- Summer Ecosystem Monitoring Survey AL0109
- Fall Ecosystem Monitoring Survey AL0111
- Winter Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0001
- Spring Ecosystem Monitoring Survey DE0006
- Summer Ecosystem Monitoring Survey AL0005
- Fall Ecosystem Monitoring Survey AL0007