2014 Assessment of the Arrowtooth Flounder Stock in the Gulf of Alaska
The Gulf of Alaska arrowtooth flounder stock is assessed on a biennial basis to coincide with the annual GOA groundfish trawl survey. These surveys occur in odd years, and for these years a full assessment of arrowtooth flounder in the GOA area is conducted. On even years, parameter values from the previous year’s assessment model (Spies and Turnock 2013) and total catch information for the current and previous year are used to make projections and to recommend ABC and OFL for the following two years.
The SSC noted that different stock assessment scientists often use different methods for catch estimation to estimate catches between late October and December 31 of the current assessment year, as well as catches to be taken during the following two years for use in the catch specification process. The SSC understands that Dana Hanselman will compile the various methods in use. The SSC looks forward to Plan Team advice on the merits of the various alternatives.