American Samoa Longline Fishery Logbook Summary Reports
These summary reports are derived from daily records in the mandatory logbooks submitted to NOAA Fisheries by captains of U.S. pelagic longline vessels in American Samoa after each fishing trip.
At the end of each calendar year, non-confidential summary statistics of quarterly, semi-annual and annual fishing effort, fish catch, and CPUE are computed and these reports are issued. Tables of the annual statistics are prepared along with charts showing yearly statistics from 1996 through the current year.
The longline catch summaries are prepared for tunas, billfishes, and other fishes identified by the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council as "Pelagic Management Unit Species." All non-confidential summary statistics of catch and fishing effort are based on activities of three or more vessels. Before the logbook data are summarized, they are subjected to extensive validation checks and known errors are corrected to ensure accuracy.
For more information or earlier reports, please contact Keith Bigelow.