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Pacific Islands Results

118 results match your filter criteria.

Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Strategic Science Planning

The Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center uses these strategic plans to guide efforts in supporting NOAA Fisheries’ science mission.
December 12, 2024 - Strategic Plans ,

Hawai‘i and American Samoa Bycatch Guided User Interface

The Bycatch Guided User Interface is an online tool that captures and increases the ease of access to recent and historical Hawai‘i and American Samoa observed bycatch and bycatch estimates.
October 17, 2024 - Tool/App ,

Webinar: Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument Renaming

| Variable depending on time zone. See announcement details.

Join NOAA Fisheries, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and Udall Foundation for an informational webinar on the renaming of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument.


Western Pacific Stock Assessment Review – Guam Bottomfish

Meeting on the Western Pacific Western Pacific Stock Assessment Review for the multispecies bottomfish complex in Guam.


Final Management Plan for Mariana Trench Marine National Monument

NOAA Fisheries and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in cooperation with the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Government, have prepared a final management plan for the proper care and management of the Mariana Trench Marine National…

Western Pacific Stock Assessment Review of the 2023 Benchmark Stock Assessment for American Samoa Bottomfish Management Unit Species

| 9:00 AM

The Western Pacific Stock Assessment Review is a cooperative effort between the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council, NOAA Fisheries Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, and Pacific Islands Regional Office to improve the quality, timeliness, objectivity, and integrity of stock assessments and other scientific information used in managing fishery resources in the Pacific Islands region.


Western Pacific Stock Assessment Review of the 2023 Stock Assessment Update for Deep-7 Bottomfish in the Main Hawaiian Islands

| 8:30 AM

A stock assessment update for the main Hawaiian Islands Deep 7 bottomfish complex.


Another Year Of Protecting A Precious Population

Hawaiian monk seal monitoring and recovery work in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument was marked by partnerships, pups, and promise in 2023.
February 20, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Adult monk seal lying on the sand, eyes open, facing the camera, with a darker-colored pup on its left side, resting on a sandy beach with the ocean visible in the background. The pup’s right foreflipper is extended, touching the mother seal. Monk seal mother and pup on Hōlanikū (Kure Atoll). Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Sarah Glover (Permit #22677, PMNM-2023-001)

From Analyzing Data To Collecting It: Gaining Perspective as a Visiting Scientist

Michaela Kratofil, an Oregon State University Ph.D. student, was invited to be a visiting scientist in 2023. She shares her experience from the high seas collecting the field data that will ultimately go into her dissertation research.
February 16, 2024 - Survey ,
Micahela sits on a chair aboard a ship under a blue tent while two people observe the ocean on each side of her. Michaela Kratofil (center) on the flying bridge with visual observers. Credit: NOAA Fisheries