2012 Biological Opinion on the effects of Pacific Coast Salmon Plan Fisheries on Lower Columbia River Chinook
Endangered Species Act Section 7(a)(2) Biological Opinion and Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Consultation
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) promulgates ocean fishing regulations within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Pacific Ocean (Figure 1). There are 28 listed salmonid species in the action area that are potentially affected by the action considered in this biological opinion (Table 1). The take of salmon from 27 Endangered Species Act (ESA) listed salmon Evolutionary Significant Units (ESU) and steelhead Distinct Population Segments (DPS) associated with the proposed fisheries is addressed in existing biological opinions (Table 2). This biological opinion considers the effects of proposed Pacific coast ocean salmon fisheries conducted under the Pacific Coast Salmon Plan (hereafter ‘PFMC Fisheries’) on the Lower Columbia River Chinook ESU beginning May 1, 2012 and extending for the foreseeable future until consultation is reinitiated by NMFS. We have reviewed information from other biological opinions that considered the effects of PFMC Fisheries on other listed species and confirmed that those opinions all remain valid.