Biological Opinion on Hawaiʻi Deep-Set Longline Fishery, 2023
Biological opinion on NOAA Fisheries’ authorization of the Hawaiʻi deep-set longline fishery.
NOAA Fisheries issued a no-jeopardy biological opinion on the authorization of the Hawaiʻi deep-set longline fishery as currently managed.
After careful evaluation, NOAA Fisheries determined that ongoing fishing activities may adversely affect 15 listed marine turtle, elasmobranch, and marine mammal species. However, the activities are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of these species.
The biological opinion includes two reasonable and prudent measures to minimize the impacts (i.e., amount or extent) of incidental take of these species associated with the fishery:
- NOAA Fisheries “shall require that ESA-listed species incidentally caught alive be released from fishing gear in a manner that minimizes injury and the likelihood of further gear entanglement or entrapment to increase their post-release survivorship”
- NOAA Fisheries “shall ensure that the Hawaiʻi deep-set longline fishery has a monitoring and reporting program sufficient to confirm that extent of take is not exceeded, and that the terms and conditions in this incidental take statement are effective in minimizing incidental take”
The biological opinion also includes terms and conditions to carry out these measures.