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Biological Opinion National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources, Permits and Conservation Division Trident Bunkhouse Dock Replacement Project, Kodiak, Alaska

February 21, 2024

Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7(a)(2) Biological Opinion for NMFS, Office of Protected Resources, Permits and Conservation Division Trident Bunkhouse Dock Replacement Project, Kodiak, Alaska
NMFS Consultation Number: AKRO-2022-03622

This opinion considers the effects of dock repair and replacement
through pile driving and DTH, and the associated proposed issuance of an IHA, on the
threatened Mexico distinct population segment (DPS) humpback whale (Megaptera
novaeangliae), endangered Western North Pacific DPS humpback whale, endangered Western
DPS (WDPS) Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus), endangered fin whale (Balaenoptera
physalus), endangered North Pacific right whale (Eubalaena japonica), and endangered sperm
whale (Physeter macrocephalus) and their designated critical habitats. In addition, the action
agency requested a discretionary conference opinion on the sunflower sea star (88 FR 16212,
March 16, 2023). The action agency also requested in the consultation concurrence with a not
likely to adversely affect determination for Mexico and Western North Pacific DPS humpback
whale and Steller sea lion critical habitat. North Pacific right whale critical habitat does not
overlap with any part of the action area, therefore there will be no effect of the proposed
action on this critical habitat.

The proposed action involves the repair of the degrading dock supporting the Trident
Seafood’s bunkhouse to ensure continued safe housing for fish processing employees. Repair
will include removal and installation of temporary piles using pile driving, and installation of
permanent piles using DTH. Work will begin in March 2024 and span 8 weeks with 55 non-
continuous days of in-water work.

This opinion is based on information provided in the October 2023 final Biological Assessment
(BA), September 2023 IHA application, and the November 2023 4MP. Other sources of
information relied upon include email and phone conversations among NMFS AKR, Solstice,
and NMFS Permits Division. A complete record of this consultation is on file at NMFS’s
Anchorage, Alaska, office.

Last updated by Alaska Regional Office on 09/27/2024

Biological Opinions Section 7 Consultation Humpback Whale