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Habitat Conservation Division’s Accomplishment Reports

January 08, 2025

HCD highlights the division's most important achievements every year in an easy to read document.

Habitat Conservation Division within NOAA Fisheries’ Alaska Region supports the agency’s mission for science-based stewardship of living marine resources and their habitat in the waters of the North Pacific and Arctic Oceans, and in anadromous waters supporting Pacific salmon. Our focus on the conservation, protection, and restoration of marine and aquatic habitat supports sustainable fisheries, recovering and conserving protected species, and promoting healthy ecosystems and resilient coastal communities. Heathy, functioning habitats are the foundation for sustaining the nation’s fisheries.

The Habitat Conservation Division carries out its habitat conservation responsibilities under the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, the Federal Power Act, and other mandates. We prioritize our habitat protection and conservation through an ecosystem context, using current science to support our decision-making. We work closely with the Alaska Fisheries Science Center, other NOAA line offices, the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, as well as federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, local governments, and a variety of industry and conservation groups.

photograph of woman holding an Alaskan king crab
Alaskan King crab. Photo Credit: Julia Brownlee, 2019

The Alaska Region’s Habitat Conservation Division Accomplishments Report highlights the good work we completed over the past fiscal year, the diversity of activities, and the collaborations that support our goals. We hope you enjoy reading about our work and become inspired to learn more. Please contact us if you have any questions about this report.


Contact information Sean McDermott, EFH Coordinator

Last updated by Alaska Regional Office on 01/10/2025

Essential Fish Habitat Invasive Species Fish Passage Corals