NOAA Fisheries Alaska Fiscal Year 2022 Aquaculture Accomplishments
The Alaska Regional Office and Alaska Fisheries Science Center continue coordinated efforts to support the growing Alaska aquaculture industry. This report provides a summary of the accomplishments for each of our identified priority areas.
For FY22, we identified annual priorities that advanced three of the four strategic goals identified in the NOAA Fisheries Marine Aquaculture Strategic Plan: Goal 1 - Regulatory Efficiency; Goal 2 - Tools for Sustainable Management; Goal 4 - Informed Public.
Under the strategic goals, the Alaska Aquaculture Program prioritized the following focus areas in fiscal year 2022 (not in rank order):
- Improve existing permitting processes for marine aquaculture in state waters
- Employ genetics to protect natural populations
- Advance the understanding of the interactions of aquaculture and the environment
- Improve production efficiency and wellbeing
- Build partnerships to increase outreach and education capacity