Occurrence of Western Distinct Population Segment Steller Sea Lions East of 144° W. Longitude
December 18, 2013
This document provides Section 7 guidance information on the occurrence of endangered western distinct population segment Steller sea lions within areas east of 144° W. longitude.
This document provides information on the endangered western distinct population segment (WDPS) Steller sea lions within areas east of 144° W. longitude. This brief summary has been developed to help federal agencies meet their obligations to consult with NOAA Fisheries under section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). It also provides guidance for permitted take of western distinct population segment animals east of 144° W. longitude during NOAA Fisheries authorized research and stranding response activities.
Beginning in the 1970s, the Steller sea lion population declined by over 80%, resulting in the species being listed as ‘‘threatened’’ under the ESA. In 1997, the ESA listing of the Steller sea lion was divided into two distinct population segments, the endangered WDPS and the threatened eastern distinct population segment (EDPS) with a dividing line for breeding areas at 144° W. longitude. The most recent Marine Mammal Stock Assessment for the WDPS concluded that the WDPS and EDPS warrant distinction based on genetic analyses.