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Pacific Halibut Catch Sharing Plan (CSP) for Areas 2C and 3A

October 29, 2015

Frequently Asked Questions and Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Alaska charter halibut fishery.

The Halibut Catch Sharing Plan (CSP) in International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) Area 2C (Southeast Alaska) and Area 3A (South central Alaska) defines an annual process for allocating halibut between the charter and commercial halibut fisheries in Areas 2C and 3A. It establishes sector allocations that vary in proportion with changing levels of annual halibut abundance and balance the differing needs of the charter and commercial halibut fisheries over a range of halibut abundance in each area. The CSP describes a public process by which the North Pacific Management Council develops recommendations to the IPHC for charter angler harvest restrictions (annual management measures) that are intended to limit harvest to the annual charter halibut fishery catch limit in each area. The CSP also authorizes limited annual leases of commercial individual fishing quota for use in the charter fishery as guided angler fish.

If you are required to comply with charter halibut fishery regulations in Alaska, you should consult and rely on the actual regulatory text. Please refer to the IPHC annual management measures and regulations in the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations at 50 CFR 300.

Last updated by Alaska Regional Office on 03/30/2023

Alaska Halibut Sport Fishing Alaska IFQ - Halibut and Sablefish Small Entity Compliance Guide