Priority Action Coho Team: Strategic Partnering to Accelerate Central California Coast Coho Salmon Recovery
The Priority Action Coho Team (PACT) was initiated in 2011 as a joint initiative of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and NOAA Fisheries.
The main goals of PACT are to prevent further extirpations of coho salmon populations in coastal watersheds in the Central California Coast Evolutionarily Significant Unit (CCC ESU) and to implement actions that will eventually lead to species recovery. The PACT strategy builds on both State and Federal coho salmon recovery plans and provides a combined focused approach to implementing priority recovery actions common to both plans.
This report outlines the PACT strategy and lists a wide range of proposals to promote the recovery of coho salmon populations in CCC ESU coastal watersheds. These proposals were made as part of the PACT initiative by six technical working groups, comprising agency staff and representatives from other stakeholder groups. Significant progress has already been made towards implementing many of the recovery actions outlined in the 2018 Progress Report.