Rocky Reach, Wells and Rock Island (Mid-Columbia) Habitat Conservation Plans
These HCPs, referred to collectively as the Mid-Columbia HCP, are for three hydropower projects covering more than 100 river miles on the mainstem of the mid-Columbia River.
Affected Species
Rocky Reach
- Chinook salmon (Upper Columbia River spring-run, Upper Columbia river summer/fall-run),
- Sockeye salmon (Okanogan River), and
- Steelhead (Upper Columbia River)
- Chinook salmon (Upper Columbia River spring-run, Upper Columbia river summer/fall-run),
- Sockeye salmon (Okanogan River), and
- Steelhead (Upper Columbia River)
Rock Island
- Chinook salmon (Upper Columbia River spring-run, Upper Columbia river summer/fall-run),
- Sockeye salmon (Okanogan River, Lake Wenatchee), and
- Steelhead (Upper Columbia River)
These HCPs, referred to collectively as the Mid-Columbia HCP, are for three hydropower projects covering more than 100 river miles on the mainstem of the mid-Columbia River. They are Douglas County Public Utility District's Wells Hydroelectric Project and Chelan County Public Utility District's Rocky Reach and Rock Island dams.
The public utility districts worked cooperatively with various state and federal fisheries agencies, including NOAA Fisheries, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, three Indian Tribes, and an environmental organization (American Rivers) to develop the first hydropower HCPs for salmon and steelhead.
The plans commit the two utilities to a 50-year program to ensure that their projects have no net impact on mid-Columbia salmon and steelhead runs. This will be accomplished through a combination of fish bypass systems, spill at the hydro projects, off-site hatchery programs and evaluations, and habitat restoration work in mid-Columbia tributary streams.
Supporting Materials
Rocky Reach
- Incidental Take Permit
- Biological Opinion
- Biological Opinion License Amendment
- Habitat Conservation Plan
- Incidental Take Permit
- Biological Opinion
- Biological Opinion License Amendment
- Habitat Conservation Plan