Southern California Steelhead Recovery Plan
January 01, 2012
The goal of ESA recovery under this plan is to improve the viability of these steelhead, and the ecosystems upon which they depend, to the point that they no longer require ESA protection.
The goal of this Recovery Plan is to prevent the extinction of southern California steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the wild and to ensure the long‐term persistence of viable, self‐sustaining, populations of steelhead distributed across the Southern California Distinct Population Segment (DPS). It is also the goal of this Recovery Plan to re‐ establish a sustainable southern California steelhead sport fishery.
Recovery Plan Resources
- Guide to the Reference Values used in South-Central/Southern California Coast Steelhead Conservation Action Planning Workbooks
- Southern California Coast Steelhead: Conservation Action Planning Workbooks - Threats Assessment Summary
Biological Opinions
- Matilija Dam Removal
- Robles Diversion
- Santa Felicia Dam
- Santa Paula Creek Flood Control
- Vern Freeman & Fish Passage Facility
Technical Memoranda
- Contraction of the Southern Steelhead Range Limit
- Recent Efforts to Monitor Coastal Salmon & Steelhead
- Potential Steelhead Over-Summering Habitat
- Southern Steelhead Population Characterization
- Viability Criteria for Steelhead of the South-Central & Southern California Coast
- Scientific Frame of Reference for Steelhead Recovery
- Research Questions Related to Recovery of Steelhead