Yelloweye Rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus) and Bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis) of the Puget Sound/Georgia Basin 5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation
Puget Sound/Georgia Basin Distinct Population Segments of Bocaccio and Yelloweye Rockfish
In 2010, distinct population segments (DPSs) of three rockfish species occupying the Puget Sound/Georgia Basin were listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA): canary rockfish and yelloweye rockfish as threatened, and bocaccio as endangered. In 2016, an evaluation of data and information acquired since the listing determined that Canary rockfish could be removed from the listing but that the status of yelloweye rockfish and bocaccio DPSs had not changed. Canary rockfish were subsequently de-listed based on the new genetic data, but yelloweye rockfish and bocaccio remain listed.
Here, we perform a second periodic review of the status of the DPSs and, again, determine that their respective statuses remain unchanged because neither delisting nor downlisting criteria have been met. We describe substantial efforts since the prior status review to: acquire new data on the abundance, distribution, and size composition of the populations; better evaluate the status of each DPS using objective metrics to monitor ongoing recovery; compile and synthesize biological and ecological knowledge from a variety of sources; and systematically work with partners to reduce threats to population viability. We then apply all available new knowledge to an evaluation of the five listing factors identified in the ESA to reach our final status conclusion for this evaluation iteration.