2023 Gulf Shrimp Landings Report
June 03, 2024
2023 Gulf Shrimp Landings Report Instructions
Please Note: It is REQUIRED that the following form be returned in order to be eligible to renew your FEDERAL PERMIT FOR HARVESTING SHRIMP IN THE EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE (EEZ) of the Gulf of Mexico.
- Attached is the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Federal Permit Reporting Form. The owner of the federal permit listed is required to report all calendar year 2023 Gulf shrimp landings by the permitted vessel.
- Please check that the owner and vessel information at the top of the page is correct. If not, please clearly print the correct information in the white space.
- If the vessel associated with this permit did not land ANY Gulf shrimp in 2023, please check the “Not Shrimping” box, skip the table and sign the form.
- If the vessel landed ANY Gulf shrimp in 2023, please fill in the table. For each species listed, enter the landings either as: a. pounds by condition of head off and/or head on OR b. pounds and/or number of individual bait shrimp AND c. total ex-vessel value of that species. Count ALL shrimp landed at ports on the Gulf of Mexico (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, west coast of Florida including Keys) regardless of where they were caught (including from bays, bayous, State inshore and offshore waters, or Federal waters (EEZ). Missing entries in the table will be interpreted as ZERO landings or value in that category in 2023.
- Sign the Form. Mail the completed form to the following address: NOAA Fisheries Galveston Laboratory, Attention: Rebecca Smith, 4700 Avenue U, Galveston, TX 77551.
If you have a question regarding the form, please email Rebecca Smith at rebecca.smith@noaa.gov.