Commercial Black Sea Bass Pot Closure for November & April Fishery Management Area Map & GIS Data
Map and GIS data representing the seasonal closure of the commercial black sea bass pot component of the snapper-grouper fishery for November 1-30 and April 1-30 in the South Atlantic Region.

The Southeast Region, Sustainable Fisheries Division is responsible for managing commercial and recreational fisheries in the southeastern United States and the U.S. Caribbean under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation & Management Act.
These seasonal/area closure maps and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data represent areas that include the South Atlantic Region:
For the precise legal definition of the fishery management plan and geographic coordinates, please consult Subpart I - Snapper-Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic Region:
The CFR should be consulted for the precise legal definition of fishery management areas and geographic coordinates. Esri's ArcGIS software or Google Earth can be used to open GIS shapefiles. Google Earth can also be used to open zipped KML (KMZ) files to view the management areas. Click here to download Google Earth. Metadata (information about the GIS shapefile data) is available in XML or an easy-to-read HTML format, and is included in the zipped shapefile.
For more information or questions about this data please contact the GIS Coordinator at