New and Existing Restricted Areas: 2021 Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan Modifications
Two new restricted areas were added in the 2021 amendments to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan, and two others were modified.
Under the 2021 amendments to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan, all new and existing closures are modified from restricting all trap/pot fishing to only restricting trap/pot fishing that uses persistent (traditional) buoy lines, except for federal waters in the Outer Cape Lobster Management Area (LMA), which remains closed consistent with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) American lobster Interstate Fishery Management Plan. Gear that does not use persistent buoy lines, such as “ropeless” gear that retrieves trap/pot trawls when the vessel is on-site, is now allowed in these areas for research purposes with appropriate state and federal permits.
To see close-ups of particular restricted areas, use the links below: