Salmon Habitat Status and Trend Monitoring Program Data
Habitat data sets for habitat status and trend monitoring in Puget Sound and the Oregon Coast Coho regions.
![map of Puget Sound Habitat Status and Trend Monitoring program project extent](
The Puget Sound Habitat Status and Trend Monitoring Program (PSHSTMP) began in 2014 and 2015 as part of NOAA Fisheries' statutory responsibility to evaluate progress towards recovery of the Puget Sound Chinook, Hood Canal Summer Chum, and Puget Sound Steelhead. Due to its success, the project was expanded in 2018 to include the Oregon Coast Coho Salmon ESU and renamed the Salmon Habitat Status and Trend Monitoring Program (SHSTMP). NOAA funding was suspended after 2019, but subsequent updates to the data layers have been funded by the Puget Sound Partnership.
The SHSTMP is a long-term monitoring program with a hierarchical approach to monitoring large river, floodplain, delta, and nearshore habitats using primarily remote sensing approaches. We have identified and delineated a number of boundaries and habitat features with the use of Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP) land cover data, the National Elevation Dataset (NED), regional surface elevation lidar data, and aerial and satellite imagery (primarily from the National Agricultural Imagery Program). To date we have documented Puget Sound large river and floodplain habitat conditions (2016), Puget Sound overwater structures (~2016 and ~2021), Puget Sound delta habitat conditions (~2016 and ~2021), and Puget Sound marine riparian forest cover (~2009 and ~2017). Survey years are shown as approximate because each measurement period includes multiple lidar and imagery years across Puget Sound.
Downloadable data layers and publications are listed below.
GIS data downloads
Title | Description | Download (.zip) |
Last updated | Data dictionary |
Puget Sound Delta Boundaries 2011 | Boundaries for the 16 major deltas in Puget Sound using imagery from 2010-2011 | shapefile | January, 2019 | PDF (2 pages) |
Puget Sound Delta Boundaries 2016 | Boundaries for the 16 major deltas in Puget Sound using imagery from 2013-2016 | shapefile | 02/27/2018 | PDF (2 pages) |
Puget Sound Delta Habitat Features 2011 | Habitat features and channel types for the 16 major deltas in Puget Sound | shapefile | 07/03/2023 | PDF (3 pages) |
Puget Sound Floodplains 2016 | Geomorphic boundaries for major Puget Sound rivers and their floodplains | shapefile | 02/15/2018 | PDF (2 pages) |
Puget Sound Large River and Floodplains – Channel Types 2016 | Habitat features and floodplain channel types for major rivers in Puget Sound | shapefile | 01/28/2019 | PDF (2 pages) |
Puget Sound Large River and Floodplains – Wood Jams 2016 | Polygons of wood jams within major rivers of Puget Sound | shapefile | 01/28/2019 | PDF (2 pages) |
Puget Sound Marine Basins 2018 | Major marine basins of Puget Sound | shapefile | January, 2019 | PDF (1 page) |
Puget Sound Over Water Structures 2018 | Marine over water structures by type in Puget Sound | shapefile | October, 2018 | PDF (4 pages) |
Puget Sound Marine Shorelines 2018 | Shoreline type of Puget Sound | shapefile | October, 2018 | PDF (4 pages) |
Oregon Coast Large River and Floodplains – Channel Types 2017 | Habitat features and floodplain channel types for major rivers along the Oregon Coast | In progress | March, 2019 | PDF (2 pages) |
Oregon Coast Large River and Floodplains – Back Water & Wood Jams | Polygons for back water areas and wood jams within major rivers along the Oregon Coast | In progress | - | - |
Oregon Coast Delta Boundaries | Boundaries for the major deltas along the Oregon Coast | In progress | - | - |
Oregon Coast Delta Habitat Features | Channel types and habitat features for deltas along the Oregon Coast | In progress | - | - |
Puget Sound Delta Habitat Features 2021 | Habitat features and channel types for the 16 major deltas in Puget Sound using imagery from 2017-2021 | shapefile | 06/13/2023 | PDF (3 pages) |
Puget Sound Over Water Structures 2021 | Marine over water structures by type in Puget Sound | shapefile | 07/03/2023 | PDF (3 pages) |
Puget Sound Marine Riparian Forested Cover 2009 | Puget Sound marine riparian forested cover using 2009 imagery | shapefile | 01/29/2024 | PDF (2 pages) |
Puget Sound Marine Riparian Forested Cover 2017 | Puget Sound marine riparian forested cover using 2016 – 2017 imagery and 2013 – 2020 lidar | shapefile | 01/29/2024 | PDF (2 pages) |
*The Oregon Coast Coho Salmon Habitat Monitoring Project was a demonstration project to test implementation of the metrics we developed in Puget Sound in a coastal region. Currently, the Oregon Coast data layers are not spatially complete and have not been through QA/QC. These layers may be completed if additional funding becomes available. The draft data is available upon request.
Beechie, T. J., O. Stefankiv, B. Timpane-Padgham, J. E. Hall, G. R. Pess, M. Rowse, M. Liermann, K. Fresh, and M. J. Ford. 2017. Monitoring Salmon Habitat Status and Trends in Puget Sound: Development of Sample Designs, Monitoring Metrics, and Sampling Protocols for Large River, Floodplain, Delta, and Nearshore Environments. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-137.
Beechie, T. J., B. Timpane-Padgham, and O. Stefankiv. 2023. Puget Sound Habitat Status and Trends 2023 Update: Delta Habitats and Overwater Structures. NOAA Contract Report NMFS-NWFSC-CR-2023-06.
Hall, J.E., C.M. Green, O. Stefankiv, J.H. Anderson, B.Timpane-Padgham, T.J. Beechie, G.R. Pess. 2018. Large river habitat complexity and productivity of Puget Sound Chinook salmon. PlosOne.
Stefankiv, O., J. E. Hall, B. Timpane-Padgham, C. Nicol, C. Fogel, T.J. Beechie, G. R. Pess. 2019. Salmon Habitat Status and Trends: Monitoring Protocols. U.S. Department of Commerce, NWFSC Processed Report.
Stefankiv, O., T.J. Beechie, J. E. Hall, G. R. Pess, B. Timpane-Padgham. 2019. Influences of valley form and land use on large river and floodplain habitats in Puget Sound. River Res Applic.;35:133-145.
Stefankiv, O., and T. J. Beechie. 2024. Monitoring protocol for marine riparian forested cover in Puget Sound. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Contract Report NMFS-NWFSC-CR-2024-03.
Tim Beechie
Britta L. Timpane-Padgham