Recovery Plan for Puget Sound Chinook Salmon
January 19, 2007
The goal of ESA recovery under this plan is to improve the viability of the Puget Sound Chinook salmon, and the ecosystems upon which they depend, to the point that they no longer require ESA protection.
The long-term goal of this recovery plan is to achieve self-sustaining levels of Puget Sound Chinook numbers, distribution and diversity. Plan contributors will strive to achieve this goal in the context of a rapidly growing human population; well over a million people are expected to settle around the Sound in the next fifteen years.
NOAA Fisheries Supplement to the Salmon Recovery Plan
- San Juan
- Nooksack
- Skagit
- Stillaguamish
- Snohomish
- Island
- Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish
- Green/Duwamish
- Puyallup-White/Chambers-Clover
- Nisqually
- South Sound
- West Sound/East Kitsap
- Hood Canal
- Elwha/Dungeness/Straights