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8 resources match your filter criteria.

Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund Database

The Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF) database serves as a project and performance metrics database and stores salmon and steelhead-related project reports from grantees located in Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and California.
February 11, 2020 - Database ,

Recovery Action Database

Tracks the implementation of recovery actions from Endangered Species Act (ESA) recovery plans.
February 10, 2020 - Database ,
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Connecting Independent Research Surveys of Bering Sea Salmon Populations to Chum Salmon Bycatch in Bering Sea Groundfish Fisheries

Although chum salmon bycatch has historically remained at low levels relative to their biomass in the Bering Sea, recent increases in chum salmon bycatch have generated concern over bycatch impacts on Alaskan salmon stocks and the effectiveness of regulatory measures used to control bycatch in the groundfish fisheries. Member nations of the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (Canada, Japan, Russia, South Korea, and the United States) developed the Bering-Aleutian Salmon International Survey (BASIS) in 2002 as an international cooperative research program designed to address concerns over the distribution, growth, and survival of salmon in the Bering Sea. By connecting information collected during BASIS research surveys to bycatch, we identify how size, foraging behavior, and foraging hotspots of chum salmon are important controlling factors of bycatch and bycatch potential in Bering Sea groundfish fisheries.
September 18, 2018 - Survey ,