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2236 resources match your filter criteria.

Environmental Impact Statement for Subsistence Harvest Management of Cook Inlet Beluga Whales

The stock of beluga whales in Cook Inlet, Alaska, declined by greater than 50 percent between 1994 and 1999 resulting in a depleted determination under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. The NOAA Fisheries believes that the subsistence harvest of these whales was the principal factor in the decline.
July 11, 2003 - NEPA ,

Categorical Exclusion From National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Analytical Requirements For A Proposed Rule To Allow Processors To Use Offal From Salmon And Halibut Intended For Prohibited Species Donation Program

Pursuant to section 5.05(b), I have determined that the subject proposed rule is categorically excluded from further NEPA analysis according to the criteria for categorical exclusions established in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Administrative Order 216-6 (NAO 216-6), which sets out the criteria for categorical exclusions for fishery management plans (FMPs) and plan amendments. Paragraph (a)(3)(b)(1) of NAO 216-6 states that a management plan amendment may be categorically excluded from further NEPA analysis if the action is an amendment or change to a previously analyzed and approved action and if the proposed change has no effect individually or cumulatively on the human environment.
July 07, 2003 - Other Reports ,

Supplemental Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for Amendment 75 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Area - Changes in IR/IU Flatfish Requirements

Analysis of alternative actions to address the issue of the improved retention and improved utilization (IR/IU) of yellowfin sole and rock sole in BSAI groundfish fisheries and shallow-water flatfish in GOA groundfish fisheries (Flatfish IR/IU).
July 01, 2003 - NEPA ,

Biological Opinion on the Authorization of Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Groundfish Fisheries and Gulf of Alaska Groundfish Fisheries Based on the Respective Fishery Management Plans as Modified by Amendments 61 and 70 - Supplement

This supplement to the 2001 Biological Opinion is a focused response to issues outlined by the Court, and the memo by James Balsiger. It does not incorporate information or analyses on ancillary issues surrounding the Steller sea lion decline.
June 19, 2003 - Biological Opinion ,

Environmental Assessment of the Guideline Harvest Level for the Guided Recreational Halibut Fishery in International Pacific Halibut Commission Areas 2c and 3a

Assessment of potential impacts of implementing a regulatory amendment for a guideline harvest level in the halibut charter fisheries in International Pacific Halibut Commission Areas 2C (Southeast Alaska) and 3A (Southcentral Alaska).
June 02, 2003 - NEPA ,

Cook Inlet Beluga Age and Growth

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Environmental Science at the Alaska Pacific University–Anchorage, Alaska.
May 01, 2003 - Other Reports ,

2012 to 2003 Movement and Dive Behavior of Beluga Whales in Cook Inlet Alaska

Beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in Cook Inlet are the most geographically and genetically isolated of the five stocks recognized around Alaska (OCorry-Crowe et al. 1997, Laidre et al. 2000). Their isolation, in combination with high site fidelity in summer (Rugh et al. 2000, 2005, 2010), makes them particularly vulnerable to both environmental (Moore et al. 2000) and anthropogenic impacts (Hill 1996). The population of Cook Inlet belugas declined by nearly 50% between 1994 and 1998 to an estimated 347 whales (Hobbs et al. 2000). Despite cessation of the Alaska Native subsistence hunt in 1999 of approximately 70 animals per year (Mahoney and Shelden 2000), the abundance estimates of belugas in Cook Inlet have remained low (321 and 340 animals in 2009 and 2010 compared to 653 in 1994) with no notable signs of recovery (Hobbs and Shelden 2008). In recognition of the low numbers of belugas remaining in Cook Inlet, the U.S. government listed this isolated population as endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act in October 2008.
April 16, 2003 - Other Reports ,

Finding of No Significant Impact Environmental Assessment/ Regulatory Impact Review for a Regulatory Amendment to Define a Halibut Subsistence Fishery Category in Convention Waters

The action will promulgate fishery regulations to define the legal harvest of halibut for subsistence use in the Convention waters in and off Alaska.
April 02, 2003 - NEPA ,

Biological Opinion on Oil and Gas Sales 191 and 199 Cook Inlet, Alaska Planning Area; and Authorization of Small Takes Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act

Biological opinion on the effect on listed species of proposed Oil and Gas Lease Sale 191 within the Cook Inlet, Alaska planning area of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf, and of future incidental take authorizations issued by NOAA Fisheries under section 101(a)(5) of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972.
March 31, 2003 - Biological Opinion ,