Each year, NOAA Fisheries' West Coast Region collects, verifies, documents, and responds to reports of large whale entanglements along the U.S. West Coast.
NOAA Fisheries released the 2020 and 2021 Combined Report of Marine Mammal Strandings in the United States. Responding to stranding events and collecting data on stranded animals helps NOAA Fisheries monitor health and environmental trends that may impact humans.
NOAA Fisheries released the 2019 Report of Marine Mammal Strandings in the United States: National Overview, and five regional overviews. Marine mammals strand for a variety of reasons, and NOAA Fisheries tracks this data to monitor threats to wild marine
To better understand vertical thermal structure of reefs at depth and identify predictors of mass bleaching events, we used long-term in situ temperature data collected at multiple reefs and depths around the island of Tutuila in American Samoa.
NOAA Fisheries' Office of Protected Resources, Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program has prepared an overview of marine mammal strandings and emergency response activities in the United States for calendar year 2018.
The Technical Memo presents information, analyses, and conclusions related to the study of sea turtle strandings by Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network collaborators in three states, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. NOAA Tech Memo NMFS-OPR-69.