We explore the potential for dynamic ocean management in an emerging hotspot of leatherback sea turtle bycatch in the New Zealand pelagic longline fishery.
Scientists were strategically positioned during fishing sets in order to establish a reference count of captured sharks during commercial fishing trips and compared them to observer and electronic monitoring counts in the Pacific.
Through simulation, we show that ERFs outperform Random Forest with and without down-sampling, as well as with the synthetic minority over-sampling technique, for highly class imbalanced to balanced datasets.
We study the abundance of derelict fishing gear (DFG) accumulating in zones coinciding with the fishing grounds of the Hawai’i-based pelagic longline fishery with results that suggest that the relative abundance of DFG has declined ~66% from 2008–2016.
This study looks at decompression sickness in marine turtles after incidental capture in trawl gear, and provides estimates of on-board and post-release mortality.