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5 resources match your filter criteria.

Killer Whale and Beaked Whale Posters

Art-Science Collaboration Celebrates the Diversity of Killer Whales and Beaked Whales from Around the World

Passive Acoustic Research at the Southeast Fisheries Science Center

The Passive Acoustic Ecology Program conducts a variety of research projects that use passive acoustics to assess populations and improve our understanding of cetaceans in the Gulf of Mexico and U.S. waters of the Western Atlantic.

Passive Acoustic Technologies Used at the Southeast Fisheries Science Center

Researchers use advanced technology to record and study the sounds produced by marine mammals and human-made sources.

Passive Acoustics Research Group News & Media

Our Passive Acoustics Research Group frequently makes the news. This page links to articles and other media featuring our staff and their research.

California Current Marine Mammal Assessment Program

We assess the population status of marine mammals in the California Current.