Leg 1 has successfully completed more than 11 trawls. The midwater net we use, an Aleutian Wing Trawl, catches many interesting creatures besides our primary target, Pacific Hake. Below are some of the interesting, odd, and photogenic things they saw in hauls so far.
Mix of tiny organisms. Photo: NOAA Fisheries
Otolith bones (on finger tip) from young-of-the-year Hake. Photo: NOAA Fisheries
Jellyfish abstract art. Photo: NOAA Fisheries
Young-of-the-year Hake - it's so small! Photo: NOAA Fisheries
Pacific Electric Ray. Photo: NOAA Fisheries
Pacific Hake and shrimp mix. Photo: NOAA Fisheries
Myctophid with light-reflecting photophore. NOAA Fisheries