Displaying 1 - 15 of 122
Whale Watching Operators Around Alaska Commit to Having Whale SENSE
Whale SENSE is an education, stewardship, and recognition program that highlights commercial whale watching companies that commit to higher standards of operation.
Whale SENSE Welcomes New Program Partners in the Atlantic
The Audubon Society of Rhode Island and the New Bedford Whaling Museum teams join NOAA Fisheries, Whale and Dolphin Conservation, and Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary in sponsoring Whale SENSE.
The Common "Sense" Way to View Majestic Whales
Going out with whale watching tours that follow responsible guidelines is a great way to see whales in a manner that is safe and respectful for wildlife and humans, while supporting local businesses.
What Does it Mean to Have Whale Sense?
Watching whales in their natural habitat is an incredible experience—but it must be done in a way that doesn't disturb or harm them. Learn how to find a whale watching company that is committed to safe and respectful whale-watching practices.
NOAA Fisheries Expands Whale SENSE Program to Alaska
For tourists visiting Juneau and Southeast Alaska, there is no sight more exhilarating than seeing humpback whales bubble feeding or breaching.
Using Inundation Modeling and Remote Sensing Data to Study Hydrodynamic and Environmental Impacts on the Survival of Cook Inlet’s Beluga Whales
A research project to analyze satellite-tracked beluga whale movements and study how environmental parameters such as inlet morphology, tidal currents, temperatures, river flow, ice coverage, etc. may impact the Cook Inlet beluga's habitat.
Acoustic Foraging Behavior of Beluga Whales Via Combined Technology: Satellite Telemetry, Passive Acoustics, Accelerometry, and Stomach Temperature Sensing
Acoustic foraging behavior of beluga whales, a poster for a Marine Mammal Symposium.
Acoustic Foraging Behavior of Beluga Whales Via Combined Technology: Satellite Telemetry, Passive Acoustics, Accelerometry, and Stomach Temperature Sensing (Abstract)
Poster for Alaska Marine Mammal Symposium
Whale Week: Celebrating the Wonder of Whales
Celebrate Whale Week 2024 with us! Discover NOAA's work to study, recover, and conserve these magnificent marine mammals.
Give Whales Bubble Room in Alaska
Humpback whales are commonly seen when boating in Alaska. It is important that boaters follow regional regulations and viewing best practices for the safety of humpback whales and boaters themselves.
Juneau Whale Watching Business Pays Marine Mammal Harassment Fine to NOAA
Juneau Whale Watch, a local whale watching tour company, has paid a total of $11,907 to NOAA Fisheries for violations of the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act for two separate incidents, both of which occurred in August 2013.
2010 Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Science Conference Presentations
Conference presentations about recent Cook Inlet beluga whale research.
Splash into Whale Week with NOAA Fisheries
Join us for Whale Week 2018!
Faces of Whale Conservation in the Pacific Islands: Marc Lammers, Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary
A frequent NOAA Fisheries collaborator, Marc Lammers is a pioneer of bioacoustic monitoring research for not just whales and dolphins, but also coral reefs.
Frequent Questions—San Pedro Basin Whale Falls
Whale falls provide an opportunity to explore the role of carbon capture in climate change mitigation.