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Alaska Salmon Bycatch Results

53 results match your filter criteria.

International Voyage Aims To Unravel Mysteries Of Pacific Salmon Survival

An international team of biologists is setting out into some of the roughest waters in the North Pacific Ocean in the middle of winter to try to solve the fundamental mystery of Pacific salmon: What determines whether they live or die?
February 27, 2019 - Feature Story ,
White ship at sea

Fisheries Catch and Landings Reports in Alaska

Catch and landings reports for federal fisheries off Alaska include daily updates for the crab and IFQ halibut and sablefish fisheries, and weekly updates for the groundfish fisheries and the prohibited species catch limit in the groundfish fisheries.

Alaska Salmon Fisheries

The salmon fisheries in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) off Alaska are managed under the Fishery Management Plan for the Salmon Fisheries in the EEZ off the Coast of Alaska (salmon FMP).

Alaska Prohibited Species Donation Program Application

Prohibited Species Donation permits authorize tax-exempt organizations to distribute salmon and/or halibut (delivered by catcher vessels using trawl gear to shoreside processors) to hunger relief agencies, food bank networks, or food bank distributors.
Commercial, Dealer/Buyer, Processor/Catcher, Dealer / Buyer, Processor / Catcher ,

Alaska Chinook Salmon Bycatch Applications and Reporting Forms

Applications and forms for chinook salmon bycatch for the pollock and non-pollock trawl fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) and Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI).
Catch Shares, Commercial, Dealer/Buyer, Processor/Catcher, Dealer / Buyer ,

Exempted Fishing Permits in Alaska

An exempted fishing permit is a permit issued by the Alaska Region to allow fishing activities that would otherwise be prohibited under federal regulations. These permits are issued for limited experimental purposes to support certain projects.

Connecting Independent Research Surveys Of Bering Sea Salmon Populations To Chum Salmon Bycatch

Researchers are using independent data to gain a fuller view of Groundfish in the Bering Sea.
Researchers in orange suits looking through a crate of fish

Gulf of Alaska Groundfish Trawl Fishery Rationalization - Federal Register Rules and Notices

NOAA Fisheries, in consultation with the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, announces its intent to expand the scope of an Environmental Impact Statement for a new bycatch management program for trawl groundfish fisheries in the Gulf of…

Amendment 103 to the FMP for the Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska Management Area

NOAA Fisheries issues this final rule to implement Amendment 103 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska. Amendment 103 and this final rule allow NOAA Fisheries to reapportion unused Chinook salmon prohibited species catch…

Regulatory Impact Review for Proposed Amendment 103 Fishery Management Plan and Regulatory Amendment to Allow the Reapportionment of Chinook Salmon PSC between the Pollock and Non-Pollock Gulf of Alaska Trawl Fisheries

Analysis of proposed management measures that would allow inseason reapportionment of the Chinook salmon prohibited species catch limits from one particular sector of the Gulf of Alaska groundfish trawl fishery to another.
July 01, 2016 - Analyses (non-NEPA) ,